Event Details


“Your treasure is your brain. Don’t just bring it but use it.”

This is the event where you will find some mind-boggling questions and a new quizzing experience.

Round one: Elimination round

There will be some MCQs to solve in this round.

Round two: Crossword round

Good knowledge and creative thinking will help you get through this round of crossword puzzles.

Round three: The Betting Round

Put your Knowledge ,Confidence ,Spontaneity and Intuition to work!

The betting round brings with it the test of skills of your SWOT analysis.


Know others as much as you know yourself.

The betting round proposes teams to bet on the ability of other participants to answer the given question keeping their points at stake.

Round four: Final round

Here lies the surprise of this whole event. Hope you could make upto it.

Esploro Presentado: Research Paper Presentation

“If you are curious to know what you don’t, then surely you can be a great researcher.”

This is what the event is all about, a research paper presentation. Here, your presenting skills and your

knowledge will be judged by our honorary judges.

There will be two rounds in this event.

Round one: Report submission

The teams are supposed to submit their reports on 30th JULY 2019.

Round two: Presentation round

The teams have to present their topic in given span time and it will be followed by questioning from judges as well as audience. The means of presentation can be a PowerPoint presentation, charts, maps etc!

Bring out the researcher in you!!

TOPIC for Esploro Presentado will be announced shortly

If interested in the event please go through the rules at the bottom of the page.

The Business Analyst

“Can you bring a business idea to life? Have you always dreamt of being an entrepreneur?”

Well this one’s for you then!

The Judges shall act as Venture Capitalists and you shall be given the opportunity to act as an entrepreneur of a startup.

Each team shall be allocated a business idea and given a specific time to prepare and present the following before the judges:

  1. Revenue Model
  2. Capital structure over a period of 3 to 5 years.
  3. Business valuation at the end of 3 to 5 years.
  4. Tactics for increasing market share.

Weightage shall be based on the level of justification and feasibility provided by the participants and not on the basis of the level of correctness of the estimation of the amount involved.

Étude De Cas

“ Are you a quick critical thinker? Will you be able to give a constructive solution to problem in front you ?”

Here’s a chance for you to make use of those skills.

Each team will be presented with issues faced by a company and a specific amount of time to prepare a presentation with your solution or suggestions to resolve the problem.


There's an Award for the best Contingent Leader and the most active contingent leader!