Policy commentary and analysis on the Arab region

Makdissi, P. (2024), Happiness in the Arab world: should we be concerned?, The Forum, ERF Policy Portal.

Makdissi, P., W. Marrouch, and M. Yazbeck (2023), Measuring poverty in Lebanon in the time of economic collapse, The Forum, ERF Policy Portal.

Fakih, A., P. Makdissi, W. Marrouch, R. Tabri, and M. Yazbeck (2022), Élections au Liban : est-ce la fin pour les dirigeants kleptocrates qui ont mis le pays en faillite ?, La Conversation. An Arabic version has been published in Annahar.

Makdissi, P. and M. Seif Edine (2020), Tackling Lebanon’s fiscal crisis: should food subsidies be eliminated?, The Forum, ERF Policy Portal.

Abu-Ismail, K., P. Makdissi, and O. Safa (2019), Arab countries are caught in an inequality trap, The Forum, ERF Policy Portal.

Makdissi, P. (2018), Subsidy reforms and social justice: lessons from Egypt, The Forum, ERF Policy Portal.