Running Plot Protein Gui on Local Computer

Some researchers may be interested in running the GUI application of Plot Protein and / or Plot Protein with Conservation on their own computer.

Here are the steps for setting this up (the example here is for Plot Protein but the same steps can be followed for Plot Protein with Conservation):

  1. R and Shiny (before running the script, R and shiny need to be installed)

    1. If R is not installed it can be downloaded from here:

    2. To install shiny

      1. Open R and type: install.packages("shiny")

  2. Getting Plot Protein scripts

  1. Running Plot Protein

    1. Open R and type: library("shiny")

    2. To start the app type: runApp("~/Downloads/plot-protein-master/")

      1. Note: the text inside of the quotes here is the path to the Plot Protein directory downloaded from Github.

    3. This should open firefox and bring shiny up as a GUI. It is not accessing the internet and the data is not uploaded to the web. You can even test this by removing your Ethernet and/or wifi connection(s).