
The software PMI (Platform for Research in Medical Imaging) is designed to streamline the development of novel medical imaging analysis methods, the sharing of methods between developers, and the translation of those methods in early clinical studies. For the basic scientist, PMI offers a convenient way of integrating their methods into the user interface in the form of menu buttons. For the clinical researcher, PMI provides access to these methods through a simple graphical user interface.

History PMI was developed at the University of Leeds (2009-current), Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (2005-2009) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2001-2005) and has been used in the scientific work of the author and collaborators. The majority of current methods available in PMI are in the area of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI or -CT, as described in the relevant publications. The software itself was presented on the annual meeting of the ESMRMB (Antalya, 2009) (see abstract) and a workshop (Oxford, 2011). In 2012, researchers at the University of Mannheim translated some perfusion tools of PMI into an open-source plug-in for Osirix. In 2013, the source code and a demo version of PMI was made publicly available (see downloads page for links). Since then PMI has been used increasingly by other groups - see here for a review of PMI and other open source tools.