
Time Travel

For the first time in the history of The First Church of Kiggins we are know offering a time travel plan. For the low low amount of $10 you can get a very nice certificate plus a chance to travel through time.

How this time travel plan works is that everybody who wants to par take in time travel pays $10 into a pool. Everytime someone adds more money I will put that money into an account where it will earn interest. The more money in the pool the faster it grows and the more money we will have in the end. Then when time travel is possible there will be enough money to pay to travel back in time and get everyone who payed and take them back to the future. Plus we will have houses and a nice retirement fund waiting for you in the future.

Right now I'm working on a formula for time travel so if you have any help or know anything feel free to let me know.

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