Belle Plaine HS/JH

Library Expectations

1. Work productively.

Have materials with you and work with a purpose.

2. Work quietly.

If you are working with someone on an assignment, use a quiet voice. No one else should be able to follow your conversation.

3. Treat others with respect.

4. Use library resources with care.

5. Check out and return materials.

Books are checked out for a two-week period. Reference materials may be checked out for overnight use.

If there is no adult to help you check out, write your full name and the book’s title and barcode on the check out sheet.

Computer Use

1. Computers are to be used for school projects/assignments.

Finding information for an assignment or typing notes are appropriate uses.

2. You must have an Internet permission slip on file.

When you and your parents sign this, you are agreeing to use computers appropriately. Consequences for inappropriate use will be enforced.

3. Use reputable web sites.

Start your research at The data bases here will give you reliable information. If you use another search engine, use advanced searching techniques to narrow your results. Check these sites for reliability.

4. E-mail is to be opened only for schoolwork.

You may send a document to yourself so that you can work on it at home and then open it at school to save to your file.

5. Before printing be sure where and what you are printing.