Select Publications
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In Progress
Alilunas, Peter; Keilty, Patrick; and Mini, Darshana, eds. Handbook of Adult Film and Media. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect Books (under contract)
Keilty, Patrick. Database Desires (in preparation)
In Print/ forthcoming
Keilty, Patrick. "The Internet is for Porn." In Alilunas, Peter; Keilty, Patrick; and Mini, Darshana, eds. Handbook of Adult Film and Media. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect Books (under contract)
Keilty, Patrick, ed. Queer Data Studies. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2023
Keilty, Patrick. "Pornography." In Uncertain Archives, edited by Nanna Thylstrup, et al. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021.
Keilty, Patrick. "The Sexual Representation Collection at the University of Toronto." Porn Studies. 6.2 (2019): 272-277
Keilty, Patrick. "Desire by Design: Pornography as Technology Industry." [Special forum on "Pornography and Surveillance"] Porn Studies 5.3 (2018): 338-342.
Keilty, Patrick. "Pornography's White Infrastructure." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 4.1 (2018): 1-9.
Keilty, Patrick. "Duration and Desire." [Special issue on "Information and the Body"] Library Trends 66.4 (2018): 487-510.
Keilty, Patrick and Leazer, Gregory. “Feeling Documents: Toward a Phenomenology of Information Seeking.” Journal of Documentation 74.3 (2018): 462-489.
Keilty, Patrick. “Tedious: Feminized Labor and Machine-Readable Cataloging.” Feminist Media Studies 18.2 (2018): 191-204.
Keilty, Patrick. "Carnal Indexing." Knowledge Organization 44.4 (2017): 265-272.
Keilty, Patrick. “A Call for Sexual Autonomy.” Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto, Dec. 1, 2016
Keilty, Patrick and Shade, Leslie, eds. Special issue, "Traversing Technologies.” Scholar & Feminist Online 14.3 – 15.1 (Summer/ Fall 2016).
Drabinski, Emily and Keilty, Patrick, eds. Special issue, “Reconfiguring Race, Gender, and Sexuality.” Library Trends 64.4 (Spring 2016).
Keilty, Patrick. “Embodied Engagements with Online Pornography.” The Information Society 32.1 (2016): 64-73.
Keilty, Patrick. “Fuck Technology: Printing for Pleasure.” Semaphore, March 20, 2014
Keilty, Patrick and Leazer, Gregory. “What Porn Says to Information Studies: The Affective Value of Documents and the Body in Information Retrieval.” Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 51 (2014).
Keilty, Patrick and Dean, Rebecca, eds. Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books, 2013.
Keilty, Patrick. “Sexual Boundaries and Subcultural Discipline.” Knowledge Organization 39.6 (2012): 417-431.
Keilty, Patrick. “Tagging and Sexual Boundaries.” Proceedings of the 2nd Milwaukee Conference on Ethics of Information Organization. Spec. issue of Knowledge Organization 39.5 (2012): 320-324.
Keilty, Patrick. “Embodiment and Desire in Browsing Online Pornography.” Proceedings of the iConference 2012, Toronto, ON: 41-47.
Keilty, Patrick. “Tabulating Queer: Space, Perversion, and Belonging.” Knowledge Organization 36.4 (2009): 240-248.