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Defending civil liberties:


35 years for cooperating with an investigation? (14:21)

Airports are Constitution-free zones (6:03)

Americans could be stripped of their rights and sent to Guantanamo Bay (5:19)

Another strange shooting (1:08)

Back to school (7:04)

Bank looted customer accounts via internal bank run (14:17)

Battle for the California desert (9:50)

Bring the Guard home (4:40)

Bush's Private Army (4:25)

Can the government make entrepreneurs do useless things for no reason? (1:56)

Caveman blogger fights for Free Speech and Internet Freedom (2:58)

Chalk the Police (7:28)

Championing the Fourth Amendment (9:07)

Chicago police to enforce law ruled unconstitutional (2:29)

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (the banned Police State episode) (43:43)

Counter-terrorism expert leaves the FBI to defend civil rights (8:56)

Criminalizing peace (2:00)

Demonizing 9/11 Truth (9:14)

Dissent and enemy "belligerents" (7:00)

Domestic drones: America's war on privacy (3:26)

Don't Buy War! Freeze Flash Mob & Police Brutality in Austin, TX (9:26)

Eugenicists in California trained the Nazis (5:36)

Exposing the fraud that is the TSA's backscatter x-ray (4:34)

Fall of the Republic (2:24:18)

Former Senator Chris Dodd champions censorship (3:27)

Government activating "FEMA camps" across U.S. (3:16)

Guantanamo (8:09)

Gun confiscation reality check (00:05:04)

Hand over your money, we have probable cause (6:50)

Home bible studies illegal in America (2:58)

How much should we give up for "safety" (3:05)

Hutto: America's Family Prison (17:00)

"If See Something, Film Something" You have a right to film the police (4:17)

Impeach Gonzales (1:59)

Impeach Gonzales - Part Two (1:59)

In memory of Russell Means (15:27)

Income tax reality check (7:00)

Incremental martial law (9:00)

Indefinite detention of Americans blocked by court (9:58)

Indefinite Detention: The NDAA and the Enemy Expatriation Act (13:57)

Information Wants To Be Free (00:06:28)

It won't stop at the airports (10:00)

John Stossel's Illegal Everything (42:03)

Judges Lock-Up Kids For Cash (7:48)

Life Under Hitler (7:52)

Meet the Magna Carta - 1215 (29:32)

Michigan Bar Owners Ban Lawmakers (1:17)

New Anti-Civil Rights Technology (5:00)

New IRS licensing scheme challenged in major federal lawsuit (3:59)

Next they're coming for the children (00:08:01)

Obama on the verge of getting his wish (7:42)

Obama strips language shielding Americans from bill (2:07)

Ohio Mother claims her 6 year old daughter was strip searched by school (1:12)

Oklahoma City (4:00)

One cartel to rule them all (9:29)

Paying for an illegal war with cocaine (14:47)

Pentagon provides military grade weapons to local police (8:40)

Pepper spray inventor: Can't use on demonstrators or pizza (6:30)

Police State Crackdown, Second Raid on Occupy Oakland 11-14-11 (4:53)

Police take DNA from children, at school, without parent's permission (6:11)

President Kills U.S. Citizen (3:53)

Prison vs. School (5:57)

"Prolonged detention" (2011) (7:42)

Rand Paul talks about his detainment by the TSA (6:41)

Raw Milk Freedom Riders (5:00)

Release Bradley Manning (3:50)

Resistance and collaboration in Nazi Europe (4:18)

Ron Paul, ACLU Condemn Targeted Killing (1:30)

Sen. Carl Levin 'indefinitely detained' by activists (4:45)

The artificial Right/Left spilt makes all evil things possible (9:31)

The awesome power of ridicule (4:04)

The Civil War did not end slavery (1:54)

The Cops Are on the Wrong Side (4:32)

The first state to rebel against indefinite detention (2:39)

The Great Gun Debate: Part One (12:24)

The story of Maryanne Godboldo and her fight against the Therapeutic State (10:41)

The war against labor (4:14)

"There's never been such an easy way to spy on the public" (10:00)

"They are destroying the Constitution" (10:00)

"This is still America" (3:28)

Trying - and failing - to regulate the Internet (00:02:56)

TSA operating roadside checkpoints (2:37)

TSA says "no" to dosimeters (2:23)

U.S. Could Target Journalists For Assassination (2:16)

UC Davis must pay $1 million for one cop's idiocy (00:05:45)

Virginia State Delegate Bob Marshall discusses H.B. 1160, against illegal detention (7:16)

Virginia to vote on Eminent Domain Amendment (2:08)

Welcome to America - Part Two (1:49)

What Happened to the Tea Party? (5:25)

What if the Constitution doesn't exist anymore? (5:00)

What is the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement? (2:21)

What will they think of next? (20:00)

What's really going on? (1:00:00)

Who owns the rain that falls on your roof? (2:08)

Why you should never talk to cops without a lawyer (20:00)

WikiLeaks founder an Assassination Target? (10:58)