
On this web site I collect some programming projects.

  • The purpose of the shell script is to create one or more booklets in DIN A5 format out of a pdf file in DIN A4 format. In order to conveniently fold (and staple) the booklets, they should not contain too many pages. Judging from my experience a total number of eight DIN A4, respectively 32 DIN A5 pages per booklet is ideal.
  • Since most pdf files contain more pages than can conveniently be arranged to a booklet, first splits the pdf into smaller pieces containing no more than a maximum number (32 by default) of DIN A5 pages. Then each piece is processed into a separate booklet. When printing a booklet make sure to print double-sided with flipping at the short edge. So far the script does not handle encrypted or password protected files.
  • Warning: The script does not check for errors, let alone that the user-defined value for the number of pages per booklet is sensible. A good advice is to check the output files before printing.
  • Requirements:
    • pdftk
    • Usage: <input_file> [<pages_per_booklet>]
    • <input_file> : pdf file to process
    • <pages_per_booklet> : number of pages per booklet; this argument is optional, default value is 32
  • Subject of my diploma thesis is the distribution of the gene tree stemming from a Coalesent process with multiple collisions. The source code of the recursion formula for the gene tree distribution, as well as the explicit formula in the case of the star-shaped coalescent, can be found in
  • Modelling and Simulation of infectious diseases. From August 2011 until December 2012 I was working on the simulation of deterministic as well as stochastic models of Leishmaniasis at the Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, University of Tübingen, funded by the EU project KalaDrug-R (EC-FP7-222895). Download the self-contained file leishmania.jar here.
  • Surface theory. In the fall and summer of 2009/2010 I wrote SurfaceCrawler, a tool to display surfaces in surface theory. The project took place in the Differential Geometry group at the Mathematics Institute, University of Tübingen, supported by DFG (PE 1535/1-1, project 05124), "Surface Geometry and Integrable Systems: Theory and Experiment"