1. Acrobat Reader 9.3.3

Post date: Jan 28, 2013 3:17:47 AM

1. AdbeRdr933_en_US.zip.0??

This is not our sample, but you may need this version of Acrobat Reader to get a trace program from its faulty execution.

This is the vulnerable acrobat reader program's installer. Since newer versions do not have the vulnerability, it is required to install this version to reproduce same error.

2. adb_poc.zip

A vulnerable pdf file and a python script which will generate the pdf file.

You can download both of them and then install the acrobat reader.

By feeding the vulnerable pdf file to the installed acrobat reader, you can observe the memory corruption.

To get a trace program from it, you can use the following ".bat" file. Please fix the paths for your environment.