Support or Donate!

Would you like to contribute to the music programs at Alburnett Community School?  Here's how you can help!

1 - Participate in various fundraising activities!

Past fundraising has included:  

2 - Community BINGO nights!

Watch the Alburnett App for announcements on Community Bingo nights at the school.  They are a ton of fun and you can go home with more $$ in your pocket than you came with!

3 - Advertise your business in our music program inserts!

Do you have a business that you'd like increase visibility to?  We are putting together an annual music program sponsor insert and would love to include YOUR business!   We have many donation levels available in both COLOR and black&white options.  You will get a printed graphic insert at 3 major musical events/concert (fall musical, Coffee House, Spring Band Concert) and donor acknowledgements in all other band and choir concert programs.

Contact us via email at if you want to advertise with us.  Your donation can be tax deductible through our 501.c.3 affiliation with the Alburnett Community School District Foundation if you desire.  SEE THE ATTACHED FORM  at the bottom of this page for more information!


Do you just simply care about music and the value it provides our students and community at Alburnett?   We would love to hear from you!  You don't need to have a business to advertise.  Perhaps you'd just like to give a shout out to a group of kids.  Or perhaps you'd just like to support the program financially.  Your financial donation can be tax deductible through our 501.c.3 affiliation with the Alburnett Community School District Foundation if you desire.

Does your company offer a MATCHING FUND program for employees?  If so, our organization, through our affiliation with the Alburnett School Community District Foundation, qualifies your generosity to be doubled at many local and national companies!  Explore companies that match funds HERE.


We don't just want your money - We want YOU!   We have many opportunities for volunteer needs.  We can always use help with many activities from painting sets or sewing costumes, organizing sheet music, cleaning rooms, providing meals & rewards to student musicians, providing transportation, staffing fundraisers, etc...  and need volunteer support.  Watch for communications on the school app or email for specific opportunities and needs.

We would also love to see YOU at concerts.  Concerts aren't nearly as fun for the musicians if there isn't an audience.  Just being present to hear the wonderful talent at our school is important and appreciated.  Attend a concert when you can!