Econ News

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The Big Mac index is taught in economics classrooms and has found its way into textbooks across the globe. Here's how it works

Important to know if an economist in Turkey

On the revised GDP series by TURKSTAT - Chain volume index


Nov 1st 2017

Central bankers insist that the underlying theory remains valid

IT HAS long been assumed that economic policymakers face a trade-off between unemployment and inflation. Let unemployment fall below its “natural” rate (the level of joblessness that results merely from the normal patterns of job gains and losses at any one time) and the economy could overheat, causing inflation to spiral out of control. The Federal Reserve chair, Janet Yellen, alluded to this relationship in a speech in September when she warned that, left unchecked, America's healthy job growth could create an “inflationary problem down the road”.

But a growing number of economists now say that the trade-off, known as the Phillips curve after an economist who described it in a 1958 paper, no longer holds[....]