Coupled Earth Systems (CoSy) Research Group
If you are interested in geodynamics, surface processes, and climate-tectonics interactions, would like to apply for externally funded PhD or Postdoc programs (e.g., EU Marie Curie), or have your own scholarship, please do not hesitate to get in touch (pietro.sternai -at- !
Pietro Sternai, Associate Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences DISAT,
University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 4, 20126, Milano, Italy
Email address: pietro.sternai -at-
Links: Google Scholar - Research Gate - Twitter: @SterGeoP - CV: here
I am a geologist using numerical modeling and quantitative analyses to interpret geological observables that report on climate-tectonics interactions
Léa Ostorero
Assessing the contribution of CO2 emissions from Neo-Tethyan magmatism to Cenozoic climate changes via melt inclusion analyses
Bram Vaes
Studying interactions between Cenozoic CO2 emissions from Neo-Tethyan magmatism and climate changes via numerical geodynamic and climate carbon cycle modeling
Fabiola Caso
Numerical Geodynamic modeling of continental subduction and collision with application to the Arabia-Eurasia plate margin
Lucas Vimpere (University of Geneva)
Hg/TOC and C isotopes anomalies of Tethys Himilaya sedimentary sequences (Indus and Zanskar groups) to assess relative temporal variations in the magma productivity of the Neo-Tethyan margin
(Collaboration with Sébastien Castelltort, University of Geneva, and Pierre Bouilhol, CRPG Nancy)
PhD Students
Luca Castrogiovanni
Developing a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to invert paleo-climate time series and assess source and sink atmospheric CO2 fluxes
Sofia Gvodzik
Numerical geodynamic modeling and inversion of geophysical datasets from the Alps
(Co-tutorship with the György Héteny at the University of Lausanne)
Former group members
Veleda Astarte Paiva Muller
Former PhD student, now postdoc at University of Arizona in the group of Barbara Carrapa
Ali Mubashir
Former PhD student, now postdoc at the University Ca Foscari of Venice in the group of Alessio Rovere
Partner research teams
Sébastien Castelltort and the ESD Geneva team