
Working Papers and Current Research


Kwok, J. and P.T. Léger.  Elevating Research on How Healthcare Payment and Financing Can Help Improve Health Equity, HSR: Health Services Research, forthcoming. 

Gowrisankaran, G,  K. Joiner and P.T. Léger. Physician Practice Style and Healthcare Costs: Evidence from Emergency Departments, forthcoming  Management Science, 60(6), 3157-3758.  (Featured Article) 

Léger, P.T. and L. Powell, 2021, The Impact of the Oakland SSB tax on prices and volume sold: A study of intended and unintended consequences, Health Economics, 30(8), 

Powell, L., J. Leider and P.T. Léger, 2020. The Impact of Cook County, IL Sweetened Beverage Tax on Beverage Prices.  Economics and Human Biology, May.  

Powell, L., J. Leider and P.T. Léger, 2020. The Impact of a Sweetened Beverage Tax on Beverage Volume Sold in Cook County Il, and its Border Area.   Annals of Internal Medicine 172(6), 390-397.

Dostie, B. and P.T. Léger. 2014. "The Incentive and Productivity Effects of Training for Older Workers," Canadian Public Policy 40, 377-390.

Léger P.T. and E.C. Strumpf, 2014.The physicians’ market. The Encyclopedia of Health Economics Ed: Tony Culyer . Elsevier.

Allard, M., I. Jelovac and P.T. Léger. 2014. "Payment mechanism and GP self-selection: Capitation vs fee for service,"  International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics 14, 143-160.

Allard, M., I. Jelovac and P.T. Léger. 2011. "Treatment and referral decisions under different physician payment mechanisms," Journal of Health Economics 30, 880-893.

Dostie, B. and P.T. Léger. 2009. "Self-selection in Migration and Returns to Unobservables," The Journal of Population Economics 22, 1005-1024.

Allard, M., P.T. Léger and L.Rochaix. 2009. "Provider competition in a dynamic setting," The Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18, 457-486.

Léger, P.T. 2008. Physician Payment Mechanisms (Chapter 7), in Financing Health Care: New Ideas for a Changing Society (Eds: Lu, M. and E. Jonsson). Wiley-VCH Press.

Constant, A. and P.T. Léger. 2008. "Estimating differences in male and female service provision using panel data," Health Economics 17,1295-1315.

Blomqvist, A., J. Hoch and P.T. Léger. 2006 "The cost of treating schizophrenia: Lessons from an international comparison," Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 9, 177-183.

Dostie, B. and P.T. Léger. 2005. "The Living Arrangements Dynamics of Sick, Elderly Individuals," Journal of Human Resources, (Fall) 40, 989-1014.

Blomqvist, ̊A. and P.T. Léger. 2005. "Information asymmetry, insurance and the decision to hospitalize," Journal of Health Economics, 24, 775-793.

Gagné, R. and P.T. Léger. 2005. "Determinants of Physicians’ Decisions to Specialize," Health Economics, 14, 721-735.

Boyer, M. and P.T. Léger. 2005. "The impact of health care cost increases on fraud and waste," Assurance et Gestion des Risques / Insurance and Risk Management, 73, 5-29. 

Léger, P.T. 2000. "Quality Control mechanisms under capitation payment for medical services," Canadian Journal of Economics, 33, 564-586.