Professor of Economics, Mines Paris - PSL

Affiliate Professor, Paris School of Economics

Chairholder, etilab

Director of Cerna


+33 (0) 1 40 51 92 98

Office V.322

60, boulevard Saint-Michel

75006 Paris

Office R6.52

48, Boulevard Jourdan

75014 Paris

I am an engineer and a game theorist by training, and a social scientist by taste. I guess that's what made me an economist by profession. Over the recent years, I've cultivated a research agenda integrating theory, data and fieldwork, with a specific focus on medium-sized companies. This complements my longstanding research interests in game theory and information economics, industrial organization, regulation, and environmental economics.

Long CV


Journal articles

Book chapters

Working papers and mimeos (drafts available upon request)

Media and wide audience (in French)