
What's new ?

2018/03/05 : leaving the public research, and joining the R&D team at Cotral Lab.

2017/08/28 : tutorial "Partial Difference Equations on Graphs and Networks: From Images to Graph Signal Processing" given at EUSIPCO with A.Elmoataz

2016/12/12 : 1 paper accepted  for publication in Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences

2016/10/03 : 1 TIP paper accepted for publication

2016/04/29 : 3 papers accepted at RFIA

2015/09/08 : 2 tech' briefs accepted at Siggraph Asia

2015/06/16 : 5 papers accepted at Gretsi

2015/06/01 : 1 paper accepted at CAIP

2015/05/07 : code of our ICIP paper on "multivalued diffusion" available

2015/04/30 : 2 papers accepted at ICIP

The best way to contact me is to send an email at 

pierre.buyssens[@]gmail.com (remove brackets)

Home of Pierre Buyssens (under construction ..)

Expected result (in the background)