Comovement and Instability in Cryptocurrency Markets

St. Lawrence University, Department of Economics. Canton, NY, USA - April 21, 2023

Claremont Graduate University, Division of Politics and Economics. Claremont, CA, USA. Online Seminar (Financial Economics Group) - May 27, 2021

Bank  of  Lithuania,  Applied  Macroeconomic  Research  Division.  Vilnius, Lithuania. Online  Seminar - May 14, 2021

1st Digital De-Fi (Decentralized Finance) and Financial Services Conference.  Virtual Conference - April 30, 2021

University of California, Riverside, Department of Economics. Riverside, CA, USA. Online Seminar - April 28, 2021

California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA. Online Seminar - October 23, 2020

30th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association and Econometric Society (EEA). Virtual Conference - August 25, 2020

16th Annual Conference of Macroeconomists from Liberal Arts Colleges - August 6, 2020

13th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE). University of London. London (UK) - December 15, 2019

27th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE). Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Dallas, TX, USA - March 29, 2019

On the Dynamics of Cryptocurrency Prices

16th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE). King's College London. London (UK). Virtual Conference - December 18, 2022

Major Cryptocurrencies, Stock Markets, and Commodities: Comovement and Tail Dependence

97th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Virtual/Hybrid Conference - July 1, 2022

15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE). King's College London. London (UK). Virtual Conference - December 19, 2021

What Has Happened to Risk-Capital Financing in East Asia?

World Bank, EAPCE Office in Washington, DC (USA) and EAPCE Research Center in  Kuala  Lumpur  (Malaysia).  Joint Half-Baked Seminar Series.  Online Seminar. With Francesca de Nicola - March 23, 2021

Conditional Tail Dependence in Major Cryptocurrency Markets

Virtual International Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Virtual Conference - March 18, 2021

14th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE). Virtual Conference - December 21, 2020

Mildly Explosive Dynamics in U.S. Fixed Income Markets

Third Annual Faculty-Student Mini Conference, Research Workshop in International Money and Financial Economics. Claremont Institute for Economic Policy Studies. Claremont, CA, USA - April 20, 2018

26th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE). Keio University. Tokyo (Japan) - March 19, 2018

13th Annual Liberal Arts Macroeconomics Workshop. Davidson College. Davidson, NC, USA - August 2, 2017

wordpress stats

Near-Explosive Dynamics and Risk Migration in U.S. Fixed Income Markets

Applied Time Series Econometrics Workshop 20. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO, USA - April 14, 2017

How Did the Financial Crisis Alter the Correlations of U.S. Yield Spreads?

84th Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association (SEA). Atlanta, GA, USA - November 22, 2014

89th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Denver, CO, USA - June 30, 2014

22nd Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE), Baruch College. New York, NY, USA - April 17, 2014

High Yield Spreads, Real Economic Activity, and the Financial Accelerator

83rd Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association (SEA) - Tampa, FL, USA - November 25, 2013

The Time-Varying Leading Properties of the High Yield Spread in the United States

Claremont Graduate University. Claremont, CA, USA - October 15, 2013

The Journal of Applied Econometrics Conference: "Forecasting Structure and Time Varying Patterns in Economics and Finance", Erasmus University. Rotterdam, The Netherlands - May 24, 2013

University of Milano-Bicocca. Milan, Italy - April 10, 2013

21st Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE), University of Milano-Bicocca. Milan (Italy) - March 29, 2013

University of Nevada, Reno, Department of Economics. Reno, NV, USA - November 30, 2012

82nd Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association (SEA). New Orleans, LA, USA - November 18, 2012

12th Annual Missouri Economics Conference, University of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO, USA - October 6, 2012

The (Non-)Resiliency of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States during the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis

87th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). San Francisco, CA, USA - June 30, 2012

38th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA). Boston, MA, USA - March 10, 2012

GDP Growth Predictions throught the Yield Spread. Time-Variation and Structural Breaks 

University of California, Riverside, Department of Economics. Riverside, CA, USA - November 9, 2011

19th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE), George Washington University, Institute for International Economic Policy. Washington, DC, USA - March 18, 2011

37th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA). New York, NY, USA - February 26, 2011

5th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications (Athens Institute for Education and Research, ATINER). Athens, Greece - July 27, 2010

85th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Portland, OR, USA - July 2, 2010

Economic Integration and Changes in Business Cycle Synchronization

86th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) - San Diego, CA, USA - July 2, 2011

Currency Union, Free-Trade Areas, and Business Cycle Synchronization

International Monetary Fund, IMF Institute. Washington, DC, USA - June 16, 2009

California State University, Fullerton. Fullerton, CA, USA - February 6, 2009

Pomona College. Claremont, CA, USA - February 2, 2009

ITAM Business School. Mexico City, Mexico - January 28, 2009

Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD, USA - December 9, 2008

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Division of International Finance. Washington, DC, USA - October 23, 2008

83rd Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Honolulu, HI, USA - June 29, 2008

Workshop on "The Implications of European Integration", The European Union Studies Association (EUSA, Economics Section) and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO, USA - May 15, 2008

The Johns Hopkins University, Graduate Course of Microeconometrics. Baltimore, MD, USA - November 21, 2007

Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD, USA - October 18, 2007

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. St. Louis, MO, USA - August 13, 2007

Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD, USA - December 8, 2006

An Enlarged Economic and Monetary Union: Effects and Policy Implications

2003 Congress of the European Economic Association & Econometric Society (EEA-ESEM 18th Annual Congress), Stockholm University - Stockholm, Sweden - August 21, 2003


"Economic Outlook in the Aftermath of the 2020 Great Lockdown".  Walgreens Boots Alliance.  Online Live Event – May 13, 2020

"Dialoghi  Condivisi,  Europa  e  Solidarietà:  L’Incontro  con  Elsa  Fornero", organized by La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno and Aforisma School of Management.  Online Debate – April 22, 2020

"Forecasting Economic Activity Using Financial Variables". Pomona College Faculty Lecture Series. Pomona College. Claremont, CA, USA - November 30, 2016

"Estimating Trade Elasticities in Indonesia and Policy Implications". Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia - June 17, 2015

"Estimating Trade Elasticities in Indonesia and Policy Implications". Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG), Australian Aid Office. Jakarta, Indonesia - June 16, 2015

"Estimating Trade Elasticities in Indonesia and Policy Implications". Ministry of Finance of Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta, Indonesia - June 12, 2015

"Pass the Mic: International Faculty". Pomona College. Claremont, CA, USA - March 5, 2015

"The 2007-2009 U.S. Banking Crisis and the Current State of the Macroeconomy". Occidental College. Eagle Rock (Los Angeles), CA, USA - March 23, 2012

"Remarks on 'Never Let Me Go', by Kazuo Ishiguro: The Economics of Organ Markets". Pomona College. Claremont, CA, USA - August 28, 2011

86th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International (WEAI). Invited Panelist: "Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Econometrics" - San Diego, CA, USA - July 2, 2011

37th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association (EEA). Economics Focus Group Discussion - New York, NY, USA - February 26, 2011

"Il Sistema Universitario Americano: un Modello di Successo". Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Ferraris", Taranto, Italy, 40th Anniversary of the Foundation - December 20, 2010

"A Short Intro to the Bootstrap". Johns Hopkins University, Economics 180.334 - Econometrics - April 6, 2009

Pierangelo De Pace - Department of Economics, Pomona College (Claremont, California, USA)