
Course Materials are being shifted to: New Website old website: Macro Economics Course

Lecture 1: Core Macroeconomics Concepts and terminologies [90m Video; Written Summary]

Lecture 2: Great Depression and Keynesian Economics

Lecture 3: The Quantity Theory of Money: Five Flaws

Lecture 4: An Islamic Chicago Plan

Lecture 5: House of Debt: Mian & Sufi

Lecture 6: Monetary Policy Decision Making in Pakistan (Jan 2015)

Lecture 7 & 8: On the Nature of Modern Money (part 1 & 2)

Last three lectures of my course on Advanced Micro also deal with monetary topics;

Adv Micro: L23: Monetary Paradoxes of BabySitting Cooperative

Adv Micro: L24: The Battle for the Control of Money

Adv Micro: L25: Creation of Money and Islamic Banks

Lectures of FUNDAMENTAL importance for understanding monetary theory and policy:

Lecture 9: On the Vital Importance of understanding Global Financial Architechture

Lecture 10: Vital Importance of Global Financial Architecture Part II

For more lectures on macro, see: Mini-Course on MacroEconomics

Some additional papers related to Islamic Finance

A guide to my writings on Islamic Economics

Thematically arrangec collection of my papers on Islamic Economics

Islam and Money — Main Page collects all materials on this topic, and links to related stuff

One the Nature of Modern Money — Describes how private sector controls and creates money supply, and not the government as per textbook descriptions. Also the harms of this and an alternative to improve by have government create money.