uvfixfile and its options
Universe / U2 / Pick
Release 11.1.9 on Windows at which release this command is no longer supported, and will not work.
So if you are running Release 10 or earlier, you may still be able to use this command.
If you are on Release 11 or later you must instead use the newer fixtool
Use UVFIXFILE to verify the integrity of UniVerse hashed files, report file statistics, and repair broken files. You
must be a UniVerse Administrator to repair files.
UVFIXFILE [[DICT] filename | [PATH] pathname] [BRIEF]
[LOG logfile] [MAP] [OUTPUT outfile] [REVISION] [STATS]
[TRACE groups] [VLEVEL] level]] [{ZERO | ZGROUP} groups]
DICT Specifies the file dictionary of filename.
filename The name of a UniVerse file as defined in the VOC file. filename must be the first option on
the command line. If a select list is active, you need not specify filename.
PATH Specifies the relative or full pathname of the file you want to process. The PATH option must
be the first option on the command line. If a select list is active, you need not use the
PATH option. PATHNAME is a synonym for PATH.
BRIEF Displays brief error messages. You can also use B to specify this option.
CASE setting Sets the case for interactive mode. setting can be INVERT or NOINVERT.
DECIMAL Sets the default base to decimal. DEC is a synonym for DECIMAL.
FIX Fixes the specified file. You must be a UniVerse Administrator to repair files.
HELP Displays a list of available options.
HEXADECIMAL Sets the default base to hexadecimal. HEX is a synonym for HEXADECIMAL.
I Uses interactive mode. See "Interactive Mode" for a list of commands you can use in
interactive mode.
LOG Dumps errors to logfile instead of to standard error.
MAP Maps the primary buffer and overflow buffer layout. You can also use M to specify this option.
OUTPUT Records all output, including errors, to outfile.
REVISION Displays the uvfixfile revision number. REV is a synonym for REVISION.
STATS Displays file statistics. You can also use S to specify this option.
TRACE Limits groups processed. groups can be one of the following:
n Specifies one group.
n-m Specifies a range of groups.
n+ Specifies a range of groups starting with n and ending at the end of the file.
all Specifies all groups.
If you specify the I option along with the TRACE option, TRACE is ignored.
You can also use T to specify this option.
VLEVEL Sets the verbosity level of error messages. level is a number from 0 through 9. See
"Verbosity Levels" for a list of levels. You can also use V to specify this option.
ZERO Resets one or more group buffers. groups are the same as those listed in the TRACE option.
You can also use Z to specify this option.
UVFIXFILE traces through a file's groups, identifies problem groups, and reports their location to standard error. If you
specify the FIX option, UVFIXFILE repairs most damaged files. However, UVFIXFILE cannot detect certain file breaks, and
therefore it cannot fix them.
The LOG and OUTPUT keywords create files in the current account directory. You can access these files from the current
UniVerse account by referring to them as records in the type 1 file &UFD&. Use the following syntax with any UniVerse command
that accesses type 1 files:
command &UFD& {logfile | outfile}
If you specify LOG or OUTPUT and logfile or outfile already exists, UVFIXFILE asks if you want to use the existing file.
If you enter Y at the prompt, UVFIXFILE appends output to the file. If you answer N, you return to the system prompt (>).
To invoke UVFIXFILE from an operating system command prompt, use the uvfixfile command.
You can set the verbosity level of error messages from the command line, in interactive mode, and in step mode. level is
a number from 0 through 9.
Level Display
0 Errors only
1 Diagnostic messages and errors
2 Diagnostic messages, errors, and number of group buffer being processed
3 Diagnostic messages, errors, number of group buffer being processed, and group statistics
4 Diagnostic messages, errors, number of group buffer being processed, group statistics, and
record header information, including the address of the current record block, forward link,
backward link, and flagword (displayed in hexadecimal format)
5 Diagnostic messages, errors, number of group buffer being processed, group statistics, record
header information, and meaning of bits set in each flagword
6 Diagnostic messages, errors, number of group buffer being processed, group statistics, record
header information, meaning of bits set in each flagword, and record ID
7 Diagnostic messages, errors, number of group buffer being processed, group statistics, record
header information, meaning of bits set in each flagword, record ID, and data record
8 Record ID only
9 Record ID and data record only
When you use the I (interactive) option, the interactive mode prompt (:) appears. You can use the following commands in
interactive mode:
!command Runs operating system command.
? Displays available interactive mode commands with a brief description of each.
akpath [pathname]
Changes the pathname of the file's secondary indices (alternate keys) to pathname. If you do
not specify pathname, displays the current pathname of the file's secondary indices. To set
the secondary indices path to an empty string, specify pathname as NULL.
case setting
Sets input case. setting can be invert or noinvert.
ex[it] ts uvfixfile (same as quit).
file pathname
Opens a file specified by pathname.
free Resets the freechain pointer.
gl Sets group locks while tracing.
group.lock Same as gl.
hash record.ID
Displays the group to which record.ID hashes.
help Displays available interactive mode commands with a brief description of each.
locks Displays if group locks will be set.
m[ap] n Maps primary buffer and overflow buffer layout.
n[ext] Gets the next file in a select list.
nl Does not set group locks while tracing.
no.lock Same as nl.
open pathname
Opens a file specified by pathname.
q[uit] Exits uvfixfile (same as exit).
rev[ision] Displays the uvfixfile revision number.
set {dec|hex}
Sets the default base to decimal (dec) or hexadecimal (hex).
stats Displays file statistics.
s[tep] group#
Steps through one group buffer one record block at a time. See "Step Command" for a list of commands
you can use when stepping through a group.
t[race] groups
Traces through one or more groups. groups can be the number of one group, a range of groups, a
starting group number followed by a + (continues to the end of the file), or all.
uvfile filename
Opens a new file using the VOC entry.
v[level] [n]
Sets verbosity level. n is a number from 0 through 9. If you do not specify n, uvfixfile displays the
current verbosity level. See "Verbosity Levels" for a list of levels.
z[ero] groups
Resets one or more group buffers. groups can be the number of one group, a range of groups, a
starting group number followed by a + (continues to the end of the file), or all.
zgroup groups
Same as z.
You can use the step command only when you are in interactive mode. When you enter the step command, the step prompt (step>)
appears. You can enter the following commands at the step prompt:
? Displays available step commands.
Return Displays the next record block.
c[ont] Switches to trace mode and displays the rest of the group.
f[wd] Displays the next record block.
h[elp] Displays available step commands.
q[uit] Quits, and redisplays the interactive mode prompt (:).
set parameter Sets various record block parameters. See "Set Command" for a list of parameters you can set.
v[level] n Sets verbosity level to n. n is a number from 0 through 9. See "Verbosity Levels" for a list of levels.
You can use the set command only when you are in step mode.
You can set any of the following parameters:
bckupflg Sets the backup flag.
blink [value] Changes the backward link.
dec Changes default base to decimal.
flagword [value] Changes the flagword.
flink [value] Changes the forward link.
freeflag Marks the record block as free.
grpresiz Sets the relocated group bit.
hex Changes default base to hexadecimal.
ovflwbuf Sets the oversize buffer bit.
ovflwchn Sets the oversize change bit.
padinrec Sets the record block padding flag.
t30first Sets the dynamic file t30first bit.
t30lastb Sets the dynamic file t30lastb bit.
transflg (Obsolete) Sets transflg.
usenewpd Sets the new style item padding flag.