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Media coverage 

BBC News: The stigma of the stay-at-home-dad

Naked Science (in Russian): Higher School of Economics found that factors influencing cravings for alcohol are laid even before adulthood

VerywellFamily: Did the Pandemic Affect Fathers' Roles With Respect to Childcare?

Psychology today: Dads, You’re Doing More Than You Think

Thrive Global: Father’s Day Wish: Honor The Fathers Who Share The Work

CNN: Moms are burned-out: What can we do to ease the burden?

ConPapà: Verso una maggiore parità di genere? Famiglie, madri e padri durante la pandemia

Il Faro - Treccani: I bambini e la didattica a distanza
The Global Recruiter: Intrahousehold inequality
Economic Logic: Fathers are drinking away their time with their children