The World We Knew

The World We Knew is a popular song recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1967. It is based on a composition by Bert Kaempfert. The song first appeared on Sinatra's 1967 album The World We Knew and was released as a single later that year. The song The World We Knew reached number-thirty on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. And on the Billboard Easy Listening Chart it reached number-one, and was Sinatra's sixth and final single to top that chart. Charles Aznavour's French adaptation of the song is called Un monde avec toi (A world with you).

Bert Kämpfert, (1923 - 1980), was a German orchestra leader and songwriter. He made easy listening and jazz-oriented records, and wrote the music for several well-known songs including Strangers in the Night and Moon Over Naples.



Piano-pal was unable to locate this exact score.

From John who made the request:

I found the music sheet on the following website (in Russian).

There is a tiny link on the right side of the page saying “Скачать файл” (download file), which leads to this link with a PDF file

User beware. Also, please let me know if this violates copyright.

If so, will remove it.