Sen o Warszawie

Sen o Warszawie (Dream About Warsaw) is a song from the 1995 album, with the same name, of songs by Czesław Niemen. The song is the anthem of the Polish professional football (soccer) club Legia Warszawa, and is sung by fans before every match.

Czesław Niemen (1939 - 2004) was a famous Polish singer-songwriter and rock-balladeer. Also known as simply "Niemen", he had a wide voice-range and rich intonation. His 1967 song Dziwny jest ten świat (Strange Is This World) is probably the most important Polish protest-song (against the then communist government) of that era. (An English version was recorded in1972.) Niemen was a poet, played several musical instruments, composed music for theater and movies, and made many recordings, including his 1969 progressive-rock album Enigmatic. In 1979, he won the Sopot International Song Festival contest, an annual Polish song-contest and one of the biggest song-contests in Europe.


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