Requiem For A Dream

Requiem for a Dream, also called Lux Æterna (Eternal Light) is a musical composition and leitmotif in the movie Requiem for a Dream, released in 2000. It is the penultimate piece in the movie's soundtrack, which was written by Clint Mansell.

The soundtrack is notable for its sharp string instruments to create a cold and discomforting sound. The string quartet arrangements, played by the Kronos Quartet, were written by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Lang.

The soundtrack has been widely praised and used in sequels for other movies, including The Da Vinci Code, Sunshine, Lost, I Am Legend, Babylon A.D., and Zathura. A version of the Lux Aeterna theme was reorchestrated for the movie The Two Towers, a sequel to the movie The Lord of the Rings.


v.1 Arrangement by Dustin Nagel

v. 2 Arrangement by Alex, Sheetmusic by Karas

"Difficult Version"