Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach

The title Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach refers to the two manuscript notebooks that Johann Sebastian Bach presented to his second wife, Anna Magdalena Bach. Both notebooks are comprised mostly of keyboard music (minuets, rondeaux, polonaises, chorales, sonatas, preludes, musettes, marches, gavottes), but a few pieces for voice (songs and arias) are also included.

The two notebooks are distinguished from each other by their title-page dates of 1722 and 1725. The title Anna Magdalena Notebook is commonly used to refer to the latter. The primary difference between the two collections is that the 1722 notebook contains works only by Johann Sebastian Bach (including most of his French Suites), while the 1725 notebook is a compilation of music by both Bach and other composers of the era. These wonderful works provide insight into the musical tastes of the Bach family.


Spelling: Minuet or Menuet, March or Marche