Mozart Miscellaneous Works

Mozart's Rondo in D Major, K485, is a wonderful piece for piano, insightfully described in the Abstract to the lecture "Thematic Markers in the Late Music of Mozart" delivered by Amy Holbrook (Arizona State University) at a meeting of the of the American Musicological Society at the University of Arizona on 11 April 2003:

"The earliest [Mozart] work displaying such economy of thematic material is the Rondo in D Major for piano, K. 485, an odd little piece in sonata form, despite the title, in which versions of the opening theme appear throughout in a total of six different keys. Dated January 10, 1786, K. 485 is an extreme and abrupt departure from Mozart’s polythematicism, the wealth of melodic ideas for which he is noted, in favor of recurrences of the main theme or its head motive, transposed to mark key areas and sectional divisions or treated developmentally as a thread of continuity through modulating or tonally adventurous passages. After K. 485, this unifying device becomes a distinctive feature, perhaps even a style trait, of [Mozart's] instrumental works and movements in sonata form, rondo form, and their variants."


