Fariborz Lachini Works

Autumn Was Lost in the Leaves is a piece for piano solo composed by Fariborz Lachini for his 1989 album Golden Autumn 1.

Moonlight Memories is a piece for piano solo composed by Lachini for his 2008 albums Golden Autumn 4 and Aida.

Fariborz Lachini (born in 1949) is an Iranian movie-score composer and pianist, based in Canada. His 1989 album of solo-piano music Golden Autumn 1 (Paeez Talaee) achieved great popularity in Iran, and one of its tracks, called Autumn, Autumn, Autumn, is featured on iTunes Essentials – Classical World. Fariborz Lachini has composed scores for more than a hundred movies, some of which have appeared in North America, Europe, and Asia. He often combines Middle-Eastern sounds with orchestral and electronic music. Of his soundtrack for the 2005 movie Requiem of Snow, Variety magazine wrote: "...with Fariborz Lachini's mournful acoustic music leaving a haunting aural residue in pic's wake."