Bach French Suites

Johann Sebastian Bach's French Suites (BWV 812–817) are six keyboard suites published between 1722 and 1725. The French Suites are among Bach's late keyboard suites. The others are the the six English Suites (BWV 806-811) and the six Partitas (BWV 825–830).  Despite the name, many experts agree that the French Suites are not written in the French manner.

Bach's keyboards were harpsichords and clavichords, not pianos. The earliest pianos (fortepianos) did not  become popular until the 1760s, after Bach's lifetime.

The music of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) is one of humanity's greatest treasures. It is unsurpassed in its expression of profound reverence for life, and in its depth and diversity of ideas and feelings. It provides boundless joy to listeners and performers.


No. 1 in D Minor BWV 812   

No. 2 in C Minor BWV 813   

No. 3 in B Minor BWV 814 

No. 4 in E-flat Major BWV 815

No. 5 in G Major BWV 816