PAHS Marching Band Information for the 2019 Season

The Phoenixville Marching Phantoms are the MOST VISIBLE performing ensemble in the entire school district, and we want YOU to be a part of it! Membership is made up of students who are going to be in grades 9-12 (but students who will be in 8th grade next year can participate too!

    • Members should

Top 6 Reasons Why Incoming Freshmen should join the band!

5. Being a part of the band gives you physical education AND academic credit!

  • You get a 0.5 academic credit and part of your physical education credit for graduating high school. Moving and playing is a difficult task at first, but once you get the hang of it, you can't beat it!

4. Moving into a new building is tough...having 70 new friends on the first day of school makes it EASY!

  • New students to the building will have the chance to connect with upperclassmen before school even starts...making it a lot easier to figure out where your classes are and how to handle the first few weeks of school!

3. You're a part of something "bigger" than you.

  • There is NO BENCH in band - every single person needs to be on the same page at all times. There is NO other activity like that available to students!

3. We look GOOD.

  • Our uniforms....are amazing. There's really nothing more to be said there!

2. You get to travel and meet students from other schools!

  • Each weekend we're out performing in competition against other schools in the region. Along the way, you'll have some fun adventures and get to meet other students who are doing the same exact thing you're doing!

1. It's fun!

  • It's a lot of work, and a lot of time...but there's also a sense of pride and accomplishment when the entire marching band production is put together. Join us - you will NOT regret it!


Fill out the registration information below!


That's ok! Contact Mr. McAdams and we'll be happy to answer all of your questions for you!