About Us

As a special program within Pomona High School, PAH is open to students who seek an arts integrated learning environment that engages the creative talents of young artists, their critical thinking abilities, and their ambitions for learning at the highest possible levels in a diverse environment.

The Journey

Declare a Major

Choose from 6 majors to audition into and follow the path to graduation while diving into your arts major.

PAH Enrichment

Stay on top of your academics and meet our enrichment expectations. You will have a PAH mentor that will team up with you to make high school all that it can be. Share your journey of PAH through #PAHenrichment.


As a culmination of your experience here in PAH you will complete a Capstone and be recognized at graduation for your accomplishment.

The Perks


Participate in our annual PAH Intensives where you can explore other arts areas and gain appreciation and new perspectives into creativity.

Artist In Residence

Each year we bring in professional artists to work with you! Participate in their masterclasses and build your network.


Share your art and experience others creativity unfold each month at our PAH shares.

In a student's primary area of artistic expression (theatre, instrumental music, vocal music, visual arts, writing, and culinary arts) they will receive intensive instruction to increase their artistic achievement and develop a lifelong love of the arts. In special PAH English and Social Studies, teachers collaborate across curricular areas to produce creative, rigorous lessons in an arts context that broaden students' understanding of both academic content and their world. In addition, there are connections to the arts community such as artists in residence and performances, exhibitions, and competitions at venues outside of Pomona. The program culminates with a senior capstone that showcases the amazing artistic talents and academic achievement of the PAH students.

For more information contact Kim McGrath Anderson