

McLoone, B. (2024) "R.A. Fisher, Indeterminism, and the Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection," in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science  .pdf  

McLoone, B. (2023) "How to Think about Indirect Confirmation," in Erkenntnis .pdf (link)

McLoone, B., Grützner, C, and Stuart M.T., (2023) "Counterpossibles in Science: An Experimental Study," in Synthese, special issue on Modal Modeling in Science: Modal Epistemology Meets Philosophy of Science, Till Grüne-Yanoff and Ylwa Sjölin Wirling (eds.) link  

McLoone, B. (2022) "Natural Selection's Explanatory Scope," in Philosophy Compass  link

McLoone, B. (2021) "Calculus and Counterpossibles in Science," in Synthese, 198, 12153-12174.  link  

McLoone, B. (2020) "Population and Organismal Perspectives on Trait Origins," in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C , 83, 101288.  link 

McLoone, B. (2019) "Thumper the Infinitesimal Rabbit: A Fictionalist Perspective on Some 'Unimaginable' Model Systems in Biology," in Philosophy of Science, 86(4): 662-671. link 

Orzack, S.H. and McLoone, B. (2019) "Modeling in Biology: Looking Backward and Looking Forward," invited contribution to Studia Metodologiczne, special issue on "Culture(s) of Modelling in Science(s)," 39: 73-98. .pdf 

McLoone, B. (2018) "Why A Convincing Argument for Causalism Cannot Entirely Eschew Population-Level Properties: Discussion of Otsuka," in Biology and Philosophy, 33:11. link 

McLoone, B., Fan, W.T., Pham, A., Smead, R., Loewe, L. (2018)  "Stochasticity, Selection, and the Evolution of Cooperation in a Two-Level Moran Model of the Snowdrift Game," in Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 9836150. .pdf  

Loewe et al. (2017) "Evolvix BEST Names for semantic reproducibility across code2brain interfaces," invited contribution to Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, special issue on Data Science, Learning, and Applications to Biomedical and Health Sciences, 1387: 124-144. .pdf

McLoone, B. (2015) "Some Criticism of the Contextual Approach, and a Few Proposals," in Biological Theory, 10(2):116-124.  link 

McLoone, B. and Smead, R. (2014) "The Evolution and Ontogeny of Human Collaboration," in Biology and Philosophy, 29:559-576. link 

McLoone, B. (2013) "Selection Explanations of Token Traits," in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C, 44: 342-346.  link 

Barrett, M., Clatterbuck, H., Goldsby, M., McLoone, B., Pearce, T., Sober, E., Stern, R., and Weinberger, N. (2012) "Puzzles for ZFEL, McShea and Brandon's Zero Force Evolutionary Law," in Biology and Philosophy, 27(5):724-735. link 

(essay review) McLoone, B. (2012) "Collaboration and Human Social Evolution: Review of Michael Tomasello's Why We Cooperate, in Biology and Philosophy, 27(5): 724-735. link