Disclaimer In some cases, I might have changed my mind about substantive issues and/or the best way to present them.

CNRS portrait (video in French, with French subtitles)

About the book What it All Means

Conversation with Malcolm Keating, New Books Netwoork, February 2023

Conversation with Marie Lods, Institut Jean-Nicod, September 2023 [in French]

Semantic theory

Grammatical Inferences Without Words (semi-general audience talk on semantic and grammatical properties gestures and in visual animations, June 21, 2022)

Is Meaning Dynamic? (technical talk on recent debates on dynamic semantics, December 2011; invited talk to the MIT Ling50 Reunion);  The talk starts at 21minutes 23s.

Iconic Meanings within Super Semantics (semi-technical talk on the integration between logical and iconic meanings in signs, gestures and beyond; Robert Blumberg Distinguished lecture, Riga, November 26, 2021).

Sign language semantics 

The Dual Face of Linguistic Meaning: Combining Logic and Iconicity in Sign Language Semantics, 81st Conference of the University of Latvia, session "Cognitive sciences", February 24, 2023

Corresponding papers: Iconic Syntax  Iconological Semantics

Iconic Plurals (from 2 papers with Jonathan Lamberton). Incidental Zoom video of an internal LINGUAE seminar, April 23, 2020 (with the authorization of people asking questions). Full articles: Iconic Plurality   Meaningful Blurs  [video] [slides

Disclaimer This is not at all a professional video, and the first minute or so is missing. With apologies for the absence of sign language interpreting/subtitles. 

Meaning in Speech, in Sign and in Gestures

12th Whatmough Lecture, Harvard University [with ASL interpreting], May 1, 2017 - general audience talk  [abstract] [slides]

Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto [with captions], October 30, 2018 - general audience talk [slides]

Earlier version in French (November 7, 2016, ENS, Lundis de la philosophie; no video - hence some parts are difficult to follow): [audio] [slides]

Anaphora: Insights from Sign Language (semi-technical talk on sign language semantics, July 2013; keynote address to the International Congress of Linguists 2013. In English). Version with ASL interpreting (Kyle Duarte). 

Situations and Perspectives ('Situations et Perspectives'; general audience talk on sign language semantics, June 2011; invited presentation in S. Dehaene's seminar). In French, with LSF interpreting: [temporary link to the video] [slides]

Semantics between Logic and Cognition ('La semantica tra logica e cognizione'; brief popular science talk on semantics in spoken and signed languages; Festival delle Scienze, Rome, January 2014 [session on 'The Science of Language' with Luigi Rizzi and Andrea Moro]; the talk starts at 37 minutes 40. In Italian (there was LIS interpreting when the talk was given) [slides] [Italian text] 

Music semantics 

Musical Enrichments: Musical Cosuppositions Incidental Zoom video of a workshop on 'Musical Meaning and Beyond', NYU, May 12, 2020. [video] [slides]

Musical Meaning within Super Semantics

• NYU CLaMe, October 15, 2019: [video] [slides]

• Related discussion with David Poeppel: [video]

Music Semantics: Problems and Prospects Distinguished Lecture Series in the Digital Humanities & Music Semantics Workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, December 4, 2017.  [slides]

Musiksemantik: Was Musik bedeutet, Barenboim-Said Academy, Was Musik Kann, Berlin, June 6, 2017. [YouTube] [text] [slides] [video (Dropbox)]

Prolegomena to Music Semantics (IRCAM Workshop on Emotional Archetypes: Music and Neuroscience, June 9, 2016) [question period]  [slides - with links to sound examples] (see here for the [long] paper with the same title, or here for a shorter version, published in Music Perception 2017)

Note: a more recent version of this talk was filmed in Lausanne in December 2017, see above.

Primate semantics 

Monkey Semantics: two 'Dialects' of Monkey Alarm Calls (Henry Sweet lecture, Linguistic Association of Great Britain, August 2013; specialized talk intended for an audience of linguists.