
pdfs of all papers listed below can be found here

Work in progress

-joint with P. Tyagi,  'Malnutrition and Female Political Representation'. (submitted)

Published Articles

-(2024) joint with J. Bleck, J. Bonan and B. Sarr, 'Drinking Tea with the Neighbors: Informal Clubs, General Trust, and Trustworthiness in Mali', American Political Science Review, 118(2), 744-763.

-(2022) joint with J. Bonan and D. Scott, 'Can Hypothetical Measures of Time Preference Predict Actual and Incentivised Behaviour? Evidence from Senegal', World Development, 159.

-(2021) joint with P. Battiston, J. Bleck, J. Bonan, et al., 'Social Interaction and Technology Adoption: Experimental Evidence from Improved Cookstoves in Mali', World Development, 144.

-(2021) joint with S. Touray, 'Persistence of Links in Risk-Sharing Networks: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia', The Journal of Developing Areas, 55(3), pp. 129-150.

-(2020) joint with V. Saxena and I. Bindal, ‘Social groups and credit shocks: Evidence of inequalities in consumption smoothing’, Economic Analysis and Policy, 68, pp. 311-326.

- (2019) joint with J. Bonan and K. McNabb, ‘Enforcement Problems in ROSCAs: Evidence from Benin’, The European Journal of Development Research, 31, pp. 1389-1415.

- (2019) joint with J. Bonan, K. McNabb and C. Codjo Tomavo, ‘Time preferences and commitment devices: evidence from ROSCAs and funeral groups in Benin', Oxford Development Studies, 40(3), pp. 356-372.

- (2019) joint with A. Lang and C. Codjo Tomavo, ‘Expenditures on Malevolent Magico-Religious Powers: Empirical Evidence from Benin’, African Studies Review, 62(4), pp. 154-180.

- (2017) joint with J. Bonan and M. Tenikue, ‘Increasing anti-malaria bednets uptake using information and distribution strategies: Evidence from a field experiment in Senegal’,  Journal of Development Effectiveness, 9(4), pp. 543-562.

- (2017) joint with J. Bonan, O. Dagnelie and M. Tenikue, ‘Is it all about Money? A Randomized Evaluation of the Impact of Insurance Literacy and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Health Microinsurance in Senegal’,  Journal of African Economies, 26(2), pp.169-191.

A non-technical version of the paper was published under: Research paper nº14, International Labour Organisation, Microinsurance Facility (2012).

- (2016) joint with S. Elven, ‘How sustainable is the use of different savings devices: the case of formal and informal finance in Benin’, Journal of Developing Areas, 50(1), pp. 123-139.

- (2015) joint with C. Rommerskirchen, ‘An empirical investigation into the Europeanization of fiscal policy’, Comparative European Politics, 13(4), pp. 450-470.

- (2014) joint with J. Bonan and M. Tenikue, ‘Measuring Senegalese household's willingness to pay for community-based health insurance premiums and its impact on actual uptake: results from a field experiment’,  Journal of Development Studies, 50(10), pp.1445-1462.

- (2014) joint with O. Dagnelie, ‘The Divorced Financial Spheres of Beninese Spouses’,  Journal of International Development, 26(1), pp.46-58.

- (2013) joint with J. Noret and V. Somville, ‘Facing misfortune: Expenditures on Magico-religious Powers for Cure and Protection in Benin’, Journal of African Economies,22(2), pp. 300-322.

- (2012) joint with O. Dagnelie, ‘Rosca Participation in Benin: a Commitment Issue’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(2), pp. 235-252.

- (2012) 'Insurance for the Poor: the Case of Informal Insurance Groups in Benin',  Journal of Development Studies, 48(9), pp. 1258-1273.

- (2009) 'Beninese and Ethiopian Informal Insurance Groups: A Comparative Analysis', Development Policy Review, 27(3), pp. 333-347.

Published Refereed Working Papers, Policy note and other

- (2022) joint with S. Raeside, ‘Book review: Steven Spurrier: A Life in Wine.  Académie du Vin Library, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 2020.’ Journal of Wine Economics, 17(3).

- (2018) joint with T. Elliot, ‘Book review: D. Rodrik ‘Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy’, Princeton University Press, 2017’. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 39(4).

- (2018) joint with T. Elliot, 'Book review: I. Tattersall and R. DeSalle 'A Natural History of Wine', Nov. 2015 Yale University Press'. Journal of Wine Economics, 13(2).

- (2017) joint with T. Elliot, 'Book review: P. Comiskey 'American Rhone: How Maverick Winemakers Changed the Way Americans Drink', Oct. 2016 UC Press'. Journal of Wine Economics, 12(2).

- (2016) joint with J. Bleck, J. Bonan and B. Sarr; 'Can Indigenous Associations Foster Trust, Tolerance, and Public Goods? Exploring the Role of Grins in Rebuilding Civil Society and Democracy in Post-Conflict Mali.' USAID Democracy Fellows and Grants Program Final Report. 

- (2014) joint with K. McNabb 'Tax Structures,Economic Growth and Development', International Centre for Tax and Development Working paper #22.