Welcome / Bienvenue to my webpage!

I am an Associate Professor in Economics (Senior Lecturer/Reader) at Heriot-Watt University.

Department of Economics

School of Social Sciences

Heriot-Watt University

Mary Burton Building, office MB1.16

Edinburgh EH14 4AS

United Kingdom

+44 (0) 131 451 8207

Email: P.LeMay-Boucher[at]hw.ac.uk

My main research interests include:

Development Economics, Health Economics, applied micro-econometrics and public economics.

I have done fieldwork and conducted large scale surveys in West Africa in the following countries: Benin, Senegal and Mali.

I have recently completed:

--A three year project (2016-19) in different parts of Benin on the impact of the use of formal saving devices (bank account and mobile saving accounts). This project was financed by an ESRC-DFID joint fund for Poverty Alleviation Research Grant. 

You can find more information on this project here.

I have been involved in:

--A three year project in Senegal (2017-20) on measuring the effect of technological improvements and compliance nudges on property taxes. This project is financed by DFID, see https://edi.opml.co.uk/