Midterm Exam

  1. Time Limit: You can work on this exam for up to 4 hours. In addition to this, you can take as many breaks as you want, but they can only add up to no more than 30 minutes. Please do not look at the problems until you are ready to start!
  2. Reference policy: You are allows to refer to Hand and Finch, Goldstein, Poole and Safko, official class lecture notes and materials, problem sets and solutions, your own lecture notes or other notes you have taken to help yourself understand the material. No other textbooks, no web searches, no interaction with other people. You are allowed and should be prepared to use Mathematica (or other computer algebra softwares) for computations.
  3. How to hand in your exam. The due date/time is Friday, Feb 15 at 7:00PM; please hand your papers in the same way as your homework papers. You don’t have to use a blue book, but if you use regular papers, please don’t write answers on the cover page. If you will be away, you can download the problems, write up your solutions while you are away and somehow send it to the TAs (e.g., scanned image, LaTeX, or taking a picture with your phone) before the deadline.
  4. Extensions. Extensions can only be given in very special circumstances; you will need approval from the instructor.

Review sessions:

  • Feb. 9, Saturday from 7pm-9pm, by Sizheng Ma.
  • Feb. 10, Sunday from 4-6PM, by Yanbei Chen. [Problems Yanbei will discuss.]
  • Feb. 11, Monday from 7-9PM, by Yongliang (James) Zhang.

[PDF file of the instruction page only]

[PDF file of the full Exam]