Are you due for any shots?

To stay healthy, it is crucial to keep track of your shots. The following vaccines are recommended:

1. Tetanus diphtheria (Td) or Diphtheria Tetanus and Pertussis (TDaP)

[Pertussis a.k.a. (whooping cough) protection is now availble for adults]

Td needs to be administered every 10 years of your life. Make sure you are up to date!

Age: 4 and 24 and every 10 years for life

OR within 5 years at the time of a skin wound

2. Hepatitis B

A series of 3 shots in the arm: 1 and 6 months apart.

Especially if you are:

-single / non-monogomous

-a healthcare proffesionals

3. Flu shots

Get the flu shot every year because the flu changes year to yeat. They are usually available in November.

Especially if you are:


-a Child

-an asthma sufferer

-at risk of complications