Changelog 2.1 RC1

N!tmod 2.1 RC1:



Menus bugs (unmute/mute & makereferee/unreferee)

XP and Ping positions were wrong on the scoreboard if the player was muted and another icon had to be displayed before the class icon and player name

Delay when switching to pliers

Ticket #6 : ALT stats broken in DeathMatch (Bug was server side, but visible on client only)

If cg_pingColors was set to 1, ping was displayed white for players with 201ms

No more "Out of stock" sten in limbo, don't display at all if it doesnt carry over to medics and fieldops

cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch was broken

Ammo Packs texture was wrong when reaching level 5 Signals (See Tickets #3 and #10)


Players randomly gibbed in DM

Last frag of the round announce should now be correct in DM

Crash when walking on <world>'s landmine

"duplicated guid" kick for players with "unknown" guid

No activity warning for shrubbot admins with the "inactivity" flag

rcon can now setlevel higher than 64

Warmup shuffle bug (moving spectators into teams)

Head hitbox when prone

Fixed: Bomb not thrown when leaning

"novote" and "incognito" flags had no effect

Ignore goombaflags for teammates in DM

Typos in shrubbot help strings

Typo in losing spree announces

Forcecvar conflicts if the cvar was forced 2 times with 2 different values



Tripmines (Engineer, weaponbank 7, see g_weapons)

Poison Gas Bombs (CovertOps, weaponbank 5, see g_weapons)

Poison Gas Mines (Engineer, weaponbank 7, see g_weapons)


Axis and Allied Tripimines beam have a different color (Red or Blue)

Shoutcasters can see Tripmines beam (free spec and following)

A lot of sounds were not cached. We are now caching them during map load

Started working on an experimental workaround/fix for the "MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS" error

Construction and Destruction announces ("construction name" contrusted/destructed/damaged by "player name")

Flag 8 to cg_HUDFlags : Spree announces will be displayed on the middle left of the screen instead of top right corner


"Anti /team Spam" : Prevent server crashes/heavy load (see g_teamChangeDelay below)

g_teamChangeDelay cvar : Delay in millisecond before letting a player change team (they can move spec if they were Axis or Allies. Value of 0 disables the "Anti /team spam")

!delrecords shrubbot command : Erase records for the specified map (flag : "delrecords", usage : !delrecords mapname. Ex: !delrecords oasis)

Flag 128 g_weapons : MG42 can get HS

Flag 8192 to g_weapons : Enable poison gas canisters

Flag 16384 to g_weapons : Enable poison gas landmines

Flag 32768 to g_weapons : Enable Tripmines

Flag 32 to g_damageweapons : Tripmines can be damaged

Flag 64 to g_damageWeapons : Poison gas canisters can be damaged

Flag 32 to g_DMoptions : Disable Artillery Support during DM

Flag 64 to g_DMOptions : Disable health cabinets

Flag 128 to g_DMOptions : Disable Ammo cabinets

Flag 4 to g_TDMoptions : Disable Artillery Support during TDM

Flag 128 to g_friendlyFire 128 : Teammates don't activate Tripmines

team_maxTripmines cvar : Limit the number of tripmines that can be placed at the same time by each team

g_spectatorNames cvar : Display player names above their heads when spectator

g_misc bitmask cvar

Flag 1 to g_misc : Don't let teammates disarm dynamite near objective (only the dynamite owner can disarm it)

Flag 2 to g_misc : Don't give XP to the attacker if the victim has been AFK for 30+ seconds (Sort of Anti "Raters")

Flag 4 to g_misc : Level 4 battle sense players will see red/blue transparent landmines instead of white



Allow timerset and resettimer during warmup

Reset timer when map restarts

Removed cg_altHUD cvar (had no effect)

cg_altHUDFlags is now cg_HUDFlags


g_dropAmmo and g_dropHealth will now work in DM

Players can now join allies or axis team in Death Match (Used to be axis only)

Increased max maps for gametype 6 from 32 to 64