Curriculum vitae


Education / diplomas


2024: Louis Bachelier Prize, London Mathematical Society, Natixis Foundation and Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles

2016: Best young researcher in finance award, Europlace Institute of Finance, 2016 

Research highlights

Research output: over 50 articles published or accepted in international refereed journals; 8 refereed book chapters / conference proceedings, 1 monograph (Financial Modeling with Jump Processes), 1 edited book (Forecasting and Risk Management for Renewable Energy), over 90 invited conference presentations. PhD Students: 9 defended, 4 in progress 

Institut Louis Bachelier Program on Green and Sustainable Finance: Since 2018, I am developing research in Green and Sustainable finance, in particular as the scientific director of the ILB program focusing in this field 

Editorial boards: Mathematical Finance, Finance and Stochastics (co-editor), SIAM Journal of Financial Mathematics (2013-2021), Statistics and Risk Modeling (formerly Statistics and Decisions), Electronic Journal of Probability / Electronic Communications in Probability (2015–2017) 

Scientific councils, chairs, research initiatives: Member of the executive scientific council of Louis Bachelier Institute, member of the research initiative FIME (Finance of Energy Markets)

Major research grants as PI / coordinator: FOREWER (Forecasting and Risk Evaluation for Wind Energy Production), 2014–2019, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), 3 academic and 2 industrial partners, budget 500 KE; ECOREES (Economic Sustainability of the Future Highly Renewable European Energy System), 2019–2023, funded by ANR, 4 academic and 1 industrial partner, budget 400 KE; SECRAET (Scenario Based Climate Risk Analysis for energy Transition), 2019–2022, funded by ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management Agency), 3 academic partners, budget 200 kE.