I am a Reader in Health Economics at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York and previously worked at RMIT University, La Trobe University, and University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia.
My research interests centre on the economics of healthcare markets. I am working on research projects including hospital waiting times, emergency department performance, competition in health care and doctors' labour markets. My wider research interests include multinomial choice models, microeconometrics, and microeconomic theory (especially Industrial Organisation) applied to healthcare systems. I have a PhD in Economics (2009) from the University of York and I'm an Associate Editor of Health Economics.
My email address is peter.sivey "at" york.ac.uk
Links to further information:
My Google Scholar and REPEC page
Twitter: @petesivey
My articles on The Conversation
November 2024 - I wrote an article in The Conversation "Forty thousand more appointments per week and ‘surgical hubs’, but will this fix the NHS?" (link)
October 2024 - Accepted in Health Policy "The long-run effect of COVID-19 on hospital emergency department attendances: evidence from statistical analysis of hospital data from England" (link) with Nikita Jacob and Rita Santos.
October 2024 - Just accepted in Health Economics "Socioeconomic inequalities in waiting times for breast cancer surgery" (link) with Maria Ana Matias, Rita Santos, Luigi Siciliani and Andrew Proctor
June 2024 - I wrote an article for The Conversation on how the parties' election manifestos compare on the NHS (link)
June 2024 - My paper with Jinglin Wen "The effect of community diagnostic centres on volume and waiting time for diagnostic procedures in the UK" was recently published in Health Policy (link)
April 2024 - We have published a protocol paper in BMJ Open on our new NIHR-funded MEASURE study (link)
March 2024 - I wrote some commentary in The Conversation on what the UK budget means for the NHS (link)
December 2023 - Our paper COVID-19, Deaths at Home and End-of-Life Cancer Care with Anastasia Arabadzhyan and Katja Grasic has recently been accepted at Economics and Human Biology (link)
January 2023 - I wrote an article for The Conversation on the NHS crisis "NHS crisis: underlying problems are starting to be addressed" (link)
May 2022 - Just accepted in Health Economics, "Motivation and Competition in Health Care" (link) with Tony Scott
January 2022 - I wrote an article for The Conversation on the NHS winter crisis "The NHS is having its worst winter ever and the reasons run much deeper than COVID" (link )
September 2021 - We wrote an article for The Conversation "COVID-19: further lockdowns unlikely but some winter restrictions are possible" (link)
May 2021 - Just accepted in the Journal of Health Economics "Hospital quality report cards: quality competition vs patient selection." with Yijuan Chen (link).
January 2021 - I wrote an article for The Conversation "How will vaccines affect the length of England's lockdown" (link)
December 2020 - I wrote an article for The Conversation "Why another lockdown might be needed in February 2020" (link)
April 2020 - I wrote an article for The Conversation "New roadmap gives Australia two paths out of COVID-19 lockdown: elimination or adaptation" (link)
November 2019 - Just accepted: Ou Yang, Peter Sivey, Andrea De Silva and Anthony Scott (2019) “Pre-school children’s demand for sugar-sweetened drinks: Evidence from stated-preference panel data” at American Journal of Agricultural Economics (link)
September 2019 - Just accepted in PLoS ONE: "Anatomy of a demand shock: Quantitative analysis of crowding in hospital emergency departments in Victoria, Australia during the 2009 influenza pandemic" with Richard McAllister, Anna Burgess, Hassan Vally and Anne-Maree Kelly https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222851
June 2019 - Now published in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Economics and Finance "Competition and Quality in Health Care" (link) with Yijuan Chen
May 2019 - I wrote an article for The Australian "Bipartisanship could cut the cost of cancer" (link)
April 2019 - I wrote an article for The Conversation on the recent changes to private health insurance in Australia (link) and I contributed to an analysis of the budget's implications for health (link)
September 2018 - We published an article in MJA Insight "Do rural incentive payments attract GPs to the bush?" (link)
August 2018 - We had a paper accepted in Social Science and Medicine: "Do rural incentives payments affect entries and exits of general practitioners?" (link)
May 2018 - I contributed to an article on The Conversation "Budget 2018 boosts aged care, rural health and medical research" (link) and wrote an article about how to control specialist's fees (link)
February 2018 - I wrote an article for The Conversation "Labor's 2% cap on premiums won't fix affordability" (link)
December 2017 - My paper "Should I Stay or Should I Go? Hospital Emergency Department Waiting Times and Demand" Health Economics (forthcoming) is now available online (link)
October 2017 - I appeared on ABC Radio Overnights to discuss health insurance premiums (link)
October 2017 - I wrote an article for The Conversation "Here's what's actually driving up health insurance premiums" (link)
July 2017 - I wrote an article on The Conversation with Terence Cheng "Are private patients in public hospitals a problem?" (link)