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In 1987 I was employed by Dansk Data Elektronik, which at that time had a great success with Unix systems based on own danish developed hardware - the so-called Supermax.
During the first four years I was attached to a business area called Euromax who were selling a danish developed newspaper system - in the beginning primariloy to middle ranged danish daily news papers, but later also to more european newspaper publishing houses as well as to some papers in New Zealand.
My work conisted mainly of installation, support, documentation and training activities in Denmark and abroad. In my latest time in Euromax I was in a department which took care of documentation, quality assurance, release management and course delivery.
In the end of 1991 I was offered to become a full time course instructor in a newly created training center in the department of DDE in Vejle.
My tasks here were to arrange and conduct training courses in systemadministration, where the main focus were within administration of Unix, shell programming, TCP/IP and network, Oracle DBA and SQL. Later it was also Windows NT/2000 Client og Server administration and Linux administration.
Beside from planning and conduct training courses I was also maintaining the fleet of PCs and Unix servers in the course center in Vejle.
I 1987 blev jeg ansat hos Dansk Data Elektronik, som dengang havde stor succes med Unix systemer baseret på egen danskudviklet hardware – den såkaldte Supermax.
De første fire år var jeg tilknyttet et forretningsområde kaldet Euromax, som solgte et danskudviklet avissystem – i starten primært til mellemstore danske dagblade, men senere også til flere europæiske bladhuse, samt til nogle New Zealandske aviser.
Mit arbejde bestod først og fremmest i installation, support, dokumentation og kursusaktivitet såvel her i landet, samt i udlandet. I min sidste i Euromax sad jeg i en afdeling, der dels tog sig dokumentation, quality assurance, release håndtering, og kursusafholdelse.
I slutningen af 1991 fik jeg tilbudt at blive fuldtids kursusinstruktør i en nyoprettet kursusafdeling i DDE´s afdeling i Vejle.
Mit arbejde her var at undervise i systemadministrative kurser, hvor hovedvægten i starten lå indenfor administration af Unix, shell script programmering, TCP/IP og netværk, Oracle DBA og SQL, men senere også kom til at omfatte Windows NT/2000 Client og Server administration, samt Linux.
Udover at forberede og afholde kurser var min opgave også at vedligeholde maskinparken i form af PC-ere og Unix servere i kursusafdelingen i Vejle.