My complete c.v. is here.
Quantum Ontology: A Guide to the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2016).
(Paper titles link to the relevant journal site; you may need a subscription. Preprint links take you to versions on the PhilSci Archive or stored locally, which may differ slightly from the published versions.)
“A dilemma for relational quantum mechanics,” forthcoming in Principia. [Preprint]
(with Don Fallis and Branden Fitelson) “Accuracy-first epistemology and scientific progress,” Ergo 11: 4 (2024) [Preprint]
(with Nihel Jhou) “The indeterminate present,” Inquiry 67: 1434–1447 (2024) [Preprint]
(with Don Fallis) “Simulation and self-location,” Synthese 220:180 (2023) [Preprint]
“Explicating quantum indeterminacy,” in Valia Allori (ed.), Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality. Springer, 351–364 (2022). [Preprint]
Against ‘experience’, in S. Gao (ed.), Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University Press, 140–155 (2022). [Preprint]
(with Don Fallis) “Animal Deception and the Content of Signals,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 87: 114–124 (2021).
(with Don Fallis), Accuracy, conditionalization, and probabilism, Synthese 198: 4017–4033 (2021). [Preprint]
Collapse Theories, in E. Knox & A. Wilson (eds.), Companion to the Philosophy of Physics. Routledge, 247–256 (2021). [Preprint]
On closing the circle, in V. Allori, A. Bassi, D. Dürr & N. Zanghì (eds.), Do Wave Function Jump? Springer, 121–132 (2021). [Preprint]
Quantum Mechanics and its (Dis)Contents, in J. Saatsi and S. French (eds.), Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford University Press, 168-182 (2020). [Preprint]
Bohmian philosophy of mind? in J. Acacio de Barros and C. Montemayor (eds.), Quanta and Mind: Essays on the Connection between Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. Springer, 91–102 (2019). [Preprint]
Bell’s theorem, realism, and locality, in A. Cordero (ed.), Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics. Springer, 33-43 (2019). [Preprint]
(With Don Fallis) Toward a formal analysis of deceptive signalling, Synthese 196: 2279-2303 (2019). [Preprint]
Bell’s theorem 55 years on, Introduction to Virtual Issue, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2019).
Inferring Particles, Metascience 27: 357–364 (2018). [Preprint]
On the Status of Primitive Ontology, in S. Gao (ed.), Collapse of the Wave Function. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 154–166 (2018). [Preprint]
Quantum Mechanics, Emergence, and Fundamentality, Philosophica 92: 53–75 (2017). [Preprint]
Holism and Time Symmetry, Quanta 5: 95–92 (2016).
(With Don Fallis) The Brier rule is not a good measure of epistemic utility (and other useful facts about epistemic betterness), Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94: 576–590 (2016). [Preprint]
In Search of Local Beables, International Journal of Quantum Foundations 1: 215–229 (2015). [Preprint]
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, in J. Fieser and B. Dowden (eds.), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2015).
Measurement and Metaphysics, in S. Gao (ed.), Protective Measurement and Quantum Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 93–106 (2014). [Preprint]
Retrocausal Quantum Mechanics: Maudlin's Challenge Revisited, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44: 442–449 (2013). [Preprint]
The Doomsday Argument and the Simulation Argument, Synthese 190: 4009–4022 (2013). [Preprint]
Dimension and Illusion, in A. Ney and D. Albert (eds.), The Wavefunction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 110–125 (2013). [Preprint]
Probability in Everettian Quantum Mechanics, Manuscrito 33: 285–306 (2010). [Preprint]
Credence and Self-Location, Synthese 175: 369–382 (2010). [Preprint]
A Note on the Doomsday Argument, Analysis 70: 27–30 (2010). [Preprint]
Probability, Self-Location, and Quantum Branching, Philosophy of Science 76: 1009–1019 (2009). [Preprint]
Reply to Papineau and Durà-Vilà, Analysis 69: 86–89 (2009). [Preprint]
How Bohm’s Theory Solves the Measurement Problem, Philosophy of Science 74: 749–760 (2007). [Preprint]
Towards a local hidden variable theory, Foundations of Physics 37: 1461–1469 (2007).
Empty Waves in Bohmian Quantum Mechanics, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58: 787–803 (2007). [Preprint]
Uncertainty and Probability for Branching Selves, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38: 1–14 (2007). [Preprint]
Quantum Sleeping Beauty, Analysis 67: 59–65 (2007). [Preprint]
Conspiracy Theories of Quantum Mechanics, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57: 359–381 (2006). [Preprint]
GRW: A Case Study in Quantum Ontology, Philosophy Compass 1: 224–244 (2006).
Interpreting Spontaneous Collapse Theories, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36: 165–180 (2005). [Preprint]
Life in Configuration Space, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55: 713–729 (2004). [Preprint]
Quantum Mechanics and Ordinary Language: The Fuzzy Link, Philosophy of Science 70: 1437-1446 (2003). [Preprint]
Four Strategies for Dealing with the Counting Anomaly in Spontaneous Collapse Theories of Quantum Mechanics, International Studies in Philosophy of Science 17: 137-142 (2003). [Preprint]
Counting Marbles: Reply to Critics, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54: 165-170 (2003).
Why the Pessimistic Induction is a Fallacy, Synthese 129: 371-380 (2001).
What is it like to be Schrödinger’s cat?, Analysis 60.1: 22-29 (2000).
Quantum Mechanics, Orthogonality and Counting, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48: 313-328 (1997).
GRW and the Tails Problem, Topoi 14: 23–33 (1995).