Advanced Technology

Cone Beam CT 3D Imaging

CBCT provides immediate and accurate 3-D radiographic images of the tooth and surrounding bone, which are useful in the assessment and treatment of complex endodontic conditions.

Each of our three treatment rooms is equipped with an operating microscope. The enhanced magnification and fiberoptic illumination provided by these microscopes are invaluable tools that assist in performing the technical aspects of endodontic treatment. Several of our operating microscopes are also equipped with high-resolution video to help document cases for enhanced communication.

Digital Radiography

X-ray procedures are an essential part of quality endodontic therapy. Our office utilize an advanced non-film dental imaging system. The already low radiation required for dental radiographs is further reduced by over 80% compared to conventional film. Using this system, an electronic sensor produces computerized radiographs which appear instantly on a chairside computer screen. These images can then be optimized, printed, archived indefinitely and sent to the referring dentist. 

Apex Locators

These are instruments that can electronically help determine where the end, or terminus, of the root is located. This is most critical in successful endodontic therapy. This cutting edge technology has a clinical accuracy of over 97%.


Our operatories are equipped with sophisticated ultrasonic units which are used to remove posts and metal instruments, as well as aid in the search for calcified canals. These units are also used to prepare the root-end for a retrograde filling in cases when microsurgical intervention is indicated. The diamond coated microscopic tips vibrate up to 25,000 cycles per second to insure accurate and speedy preparation.

Nickel-Titanium Instruments

The cleaning and shaping of the root canal is aided by the use of metal instruments made of a unique alloy of nickel-titanium. Both hand and rotary instruments along with liquid antimicrobial agents aid to help remove bacteria and tissue from root canal systems.

Mineral Trioxide Aggregate

A hydrophilic ceramic material that is a relatively new advancement in endodontic treatment. The use of MTA for pulp capping, resorption repairs, perforation repairs, root end filling during surgical treatment, and apical plug during apexification. Current literature supports its use as a biocompatible material with excellent resistance to leakage.

Microscopes and Imaging