Frequently Asked Questions


What is this list?

The main list is a bunch of peterick stories I’ve personally read and liked over the years and wanted to share. I started it in 2008 on my personal lj to share my favs with my friends, and I never expected it to get as long as it did or that I'd be keeping it going for this many years. I may not add new fics to the main list as frequently as I used to, but I don't plan to stop maintaining it ever :) I’ve been told it’s a reliable little resource to have for older fics, which is nice! 

Why are some stories rated and some not?

(Also, why didn't you warn for X on some potentially triggering stories?)

Since these are not my personal works, it would feel wrong to warn for something that the author purposefully chose not to. Though I've found that it's usually because the story has nothing worth warning for, sometimes the opposite is true. In any case, I hope the readers choose to click or skip unrated stories at their discretion.

Why are there different types of ratings?

(ie NC-17 or Explicit)?

I credit this to lj comms, ao3, and ffn, (on ffn the highest rating is mature, unless something's changed) I find the ao3 ratings to be more clear, but I use whichever the authors have specified on their stories.

Usually - and please correct me if I'm wrong - it goes like this:


(Do you know the one fic where X happens/I'm looking for fics dealing with specific-era/trope/subject-matter?)

I love to help when I can - but, I'm mostly familiar with fic written during the period where I read for the pairing the most, which tends to be ye old livejournal era.  So I'm not the best person to come to for specific searches/recommendations. Idk, you can still ask. It really depends, but yeah, I'm kind of a dead-end in most cases.

Here are some other blogs that might be helpful:

Why are there fics labeled dead link or locked?

(Why aren't these stories removed from the list?)

In the case of locked posts, sometimes they're available still by joining a site (like ao3) or community (lj or dreamwidth). Deleted posts... I used to remove them. I know it sucks reading a summary you're into, only to discover that the fic is completely inaccessible. But it's been so many years - and a lot of those fics are just gone, so I like keeping the summary on the list. I try to make the labels stand out as much as possible so people don't get their hopes up, I know I still do ;_; I'm also trying to go through and label the wayback links, and download them where I can - because I've noticed some of those links have begun to 404.

(If you have any of the locked or dead link fics saved I'd love to have 'em!)

*If you'd like me to take your work off the list for any reason, please don't hesitate to contact me! (all contact info is at the bottom of this post)

Why are certain themes labeled?

(Like dance dance or fae!au?)

I do this for some of the more specific ficcy tropes, (ie. werewolf!au or genderswap). They're not meant as content warnings (again, I only use the ratings the authors themselves used when they posted their fic), they're really just content indicators to make them easier to find since there's no particular order to the list. I might have missed some even though I try to check every now and then. If there's a trope you think I should be labeling on the list that isn't there, please message me about it :)

Please don't:

Claim or copy any other's work here and post it as your own! Or harass anybody about removed or discontinued fics - I'm not aware of that ever happening in the history of the list, but I certainly hope that it never does D:

Please do:

Leave comments on the fics if you like what you read! I know as someone that writes fic that it doesn't matter how old the work is, it's always nice to know that people are enjoying something that you've made! Also, please respect the author's works and their personal fanworks policies (if they have any).


For the list: too much time on my hands, being in fandom for forever, endlessly googling fic titles, snippets, usernames, ao3 story matching, and excessive use of the wayback machine, and going through my old livejournal memories for lj exclusive fic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯