Peter Gal

I am an economist interested in empirical analysis and research. I have been working at the intersection of micro and macroeconomics, with the aim to provide a more granular picture for macroeconomic analysis and to contribute to public policy. 

I am at the OECD, in Paris, since 2011, currently as Deputy Head of Division and Senior Economist in the Structural Policy Research Division of the Economics Department. I focus mainly on productivity, digital technologies and other structural issues. My previous work experience includes the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund and the Central Bank of Hungary. 

I completed my PhD and MPhil degrees in Economics at the Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and an MSc in Economics from Corvinus University (Budapest, Hungary).

For details, please see my CV, LinkedIn or Google Scholar page.


Productivity, labor- and capital market frictions at the micro and macro level; structural policies


Productivity, innovation, trade

Revise and Resubmit to the Journal of Political EconomyLatest version as LSE CEP Discussion Paper No. 1645Previous versions: OECD Productivity Working Papers No. 5, November 2016Brookings Institution Hutchins Center Working Papers No. 24, September 2016 VoxEU and OECD ECOSOPE Blog: The Best vs. the Rest: The Global Productivity Slowdown Hides an Increasing Performance Gap across FirmsCited and discussed in The Economist's Schumpeter column ("The Great Divergence") and in the Free Exchange colum ("Superstar cities have a big advantage in attracting high-paying jobs").and in Les Echos: "A la recherche de la croissance perdue"   
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1462, 2018.VoxEU column and OECD EcoScope Blog column: A genie in a bottle: Inflation, globalisation, and competition
International Productivity Monitor, No. 37, Fall 2019OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1533, OECD Publishing, Paris,  2019OECD EcoScope Blog column: Are digital technologies the new Holy Grail?
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1548, OECD Publishing, Paris,  2019. VoxEU column
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1531, December 2018.
OECD Productivity Working Papers No. 2, July 2015Cited in Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, FED Vice President Stanley Fischer's speechRecommended reading by Marginal Revolution blog editor Prof. Tyler Cowen
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1501, Aug 2018
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1426, Nov 2017.EcoScope Blog
OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 1049, May 2013

Capital, financial constraints

Employment, firm dynamics, entrepreneurship

Published in Small Business Economics (2017), 48(2), 393-412
Published in The Stata Journal, Volume 15 Number 1: pp. 247-274, 2015
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers no. 14, May 2014VoxEU: "DynEmp: New cross-country evidence on the role of young firms in job creation, growth, and innovation"Blog post and recommended reading by Journal of Economic Perspectives managing editor Timothy Taylor
Published in Small Business Conditions and Finance, Proceedings of a Conference, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 19-20 March 2015 

Structural reforms and policy reports

 OECD Economic Policy Paper No. 26, 2019, OECD Publishing, Paris.
IMF Working Paper No. 16/116, 2016 andOECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1311, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2016OECD Blog: ECOSCOPE  and VoxEU: "Product market reforms under the microscope"
OECD Economic Studies, No. 4, Volume 2016, Issue: 1, andCESifo Working Paper No. 6420, and Published in Chapter 3 in "Structural Reforms: Moving the Economy Forward" (ed. by Jakob de Haan and Jante Parlevliet), Springer Publishing, 2018LSE Business Review blog column
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1429, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2017. 
OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1456, Jan 2018.

OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1271, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2015.OECD Blog ECOSCOPE: "Revisiting policy options for more jobs" (with Alain De Serres)
in OECD Employment Outlook 2012, Chapter 2, OECD Publishing (with Alexander Hijzen and Zoltan Wolf)