Links to the on-going debate on Forensic Science in the UK

These are the 'official' links to the Home Office review and the parliamentary select committee:

1) Home Office review of R and D in the UK is here. My submission is on page 173 of the second document of the list or click here (and turn to page 173)

2) Commons Select Committee website is here and the individual written evidence submissions are here. My submissions are ev20 and ev24. The government response is here

3) Old report written 2004 'Forensic Science on Trial' included here for historical interest. But it's interesting to note that the recommendations on page 82, seem to have been largely ignored.

For example: recommendation 2 states: "The Government’s poor track record at managing PPP projects does not inspire

confidence in its ability to make a success of developing the FSS as a PPP. (Paragraph

35)". This indicates that the failure to manage the transformation of FSS was already recognised as a foregone conclusion nearly a decade earlier (my comment).

Recommendation 9 states, perhaps ironically: "It is now up to both the Home Office and the FSS management team to take positive

action to address the concerns expressed by staff over their own personal future at

the FSS and their wider apprehensions about the future of the organisation.

(Paragraph 50)"