A complete list of my publications and citation metrics using Google Scholar Citation tool is found here

Open Source software development

For latest information and links on latest developments in the use of 'Open-Source' tools to interpret DNA profiling evidence please go to our companion website here

The Forensim project led by Hinda Haned is supported by the Forensic Genomics Consortium , Netherlands and P Gill is supported by a substantial EU-FP7 (security) grant (EUROFORGEN-NoE): a key development is the LRmix program. This program interprets complex mixtures (multiple contributors and replicates).

The Forensim package forms the basis of regular comprehensive training programmes supported by the ISFG. The methods used are underpinned by the internationally recognised recommendations of the ISFG DNA commission

The International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) represents the interests of the Forensic Genetics Community

Open-source initiatives are supported by the ISFG and a comprehensive list is available: .

Latest Publication: DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics: Recommendations on the evaluation of STR typing results that may include drop-out and/or drop-in using probabilistic methods

P. Gill et al, Forensic Science International: Genetics Vol. 6, Issue 6, Pages 679-688

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