Male Vs Female Brittany Spaniels

Regardless of gender, Brittany Spaniels are a sweet and loyal dog to their owners. They make excellent companions as they are up for whatever activity you want to do. In addition, Brittany Spaniels are intelligent and easily trained, which makes them easy to live with.

There are five key differences, including physical between male and female Brittany spaniels; Males tend to be taller and weigh more than females. Generally speaking, males have more diversity in height than females and weigh five pounds more than females.

There might be some temperamental differences between the genders. Based on owners’ evaluations and purely observational, these differences are not rooted in scientific, canine behavioral research.

You may find that your female spaniel has more male traits or vice versa. However, it seems that the majority of Brittany Spaniels possess these specific gender-based characteristics. Let’s discuss these differences.

Are There Differences Between Male And Female Brittany Spaniels?

Brittany Spaniels are fantastic dogs for people who have an active lifestyle. This breed makes an excellent companion. Nevertheless, it’s essential to know some of the drawbacks of Brittany Spaniel’s ownership to accommodate such a dog better.

Let’s discuss the differences between male and female Brittany Spaniels regarding temperament, trainability, health, behavior with children, and other dogs:

1. Temperament


Male Brittany Spaniels are often more dependant and reliable as they are generally more emotionally stable than females. Surprisingly, they are less aggressive than females – which is not the case with other dog breeds.

Male Brittany spaniels are great with children, and they are softer and more affectionate than their female counterparts.

Regarding hunting, males tend to stray now and again and are more erratic due to poorer mental focus. While they tend to have more energy, their boisterousness backfires when they can’t stop running and being distracted.


Mood swings are more prevalent in females than males, one minute, they are happy to have you petting them, and next, they are giving you the silent treatment.

Most owners agree that female Brittany Spaniels are slightly more independent than their male counterparts, and they are not as forthcoming with love and affection.

Females tend to be better hunters than males. This is because they have a consistent hunting drive and are more aggressive. They also tend to be smarter than males.

2. Trainability


Males are slightly harder to train than females as they tend to be goofier and see training as an extension of playtime. In addition, males reach maturity slower than females, making them less trainable, especially as puppies.

While all Brittany Spaniels are soft and sensitive and don’t take well to being shouted at or punished, males are especially sensitive. Therefore, you must be mindful of this when training your male Brittany Spaniel.


Females mature faster and are more intelligent than their male counterparts, making them slightly easier to train.

Most owners prefer to bring females on a hunt because they are less distracted and more cooperative, aside from being easier to train.

Their intelligence has drawbacks as sometimes your female may not be in the mood to do as you ask. She may do all she can to make you change your mind, but you must stand your ground. She will eventually do as you ask, although not without sulking.

3. Health


Many male Brittany Spaniels tend to suffer from CEREBELLAR ATAXIA. This disorder results in coordination loss and weakness. One early indication of this condition is a goose-stepping gait. In severe cases, Cerebellar Ataxia can result in Paralysis.

ELBOW DYSPLASIA is another common condition among male Brittany Spaniels. This occurs when your pet’s joints do not develop properly, resulting in arthritis.

The earlier you treat this disorder, the better, as the condition is likely to worsen as he grows.

Both male and females can dislocate their kneecaps; this is known as PATELLAR LUXATION, which often occurs because of their hyperactivity.

One sign of Luxating Patella is when your dog suddenly won’t use his hind leg or begins hopping. They can usually solve this problem by kicking their leg outward to pop their kneecap back into its place, and no further veterinary attention is necessary.

However, if the symptom persists and the kneecap doesn’t pop back in its place, surgery might be required to realign the kneecap.


Female dogs tend to suffer from HIP DYSPLASIA. This happens when there is a malformation of the hip socket. If this condition isn’t treated in time, it can cause lameness and excruciating arthritis. It’s essential to know your dog’s medical history as hip dysplasia is genetic.

Female dogs also suffer from CANINE GLAUCOMA, which is a group of diseases that, when left untreated, can lead to loss of visual field and permanent optic nerve damage, ultimately resulting in blindness.

For example, suppose your dog keeps bumping into things and displays other symptoms like red or cloudy eyes and continuous pawing of the eyes. In that case, you will know your Brittany Spaniel is suffering from Canine Glaucoma.

Another condition is Myopathy, a disease of the muscles. This health issue can develop when your dog is between three to seven months old, and symptoms include loss of limb muscle and a “bunny hop.” It’s best to have your dog tested out if you suspect she has Myopathy.

Most treated dogs are perfectly healthy after reaching their first birthday and can live a normal lifespan, but remember to eliminate all possible stressors to ensure a full recovery.

4. Behavior Around Children


Males view children as playmates, and they can be somewhat rough. However, their softer personality makes them exceptionally patient with children. Their boosts of hyperactivity often match that of the children’s, and they can tire each other out.


Female dogs are typically more protective of young children than males, which is true of female Brittany Spaniels. They are as patient and affectionate with children as their male counterparts without being loud and boisterous.

Females have better self-control when children are present, reducing potential injuries and dangers during playtime. However, females can be moody, making them less playful preferring, to be in their own space.

5. Behavior Around Other Dogs


Male Brittany’s tend to be more protective of their territory. However, they can be social with other male dogs, and their playfulness helps them get accustomed to new dogs.

Male Brittany Spaniels can get in minor altercations but will usually stop before anything gets serious. Male Brittany spaniels get along well with female dogs of all breeds.

Neutered male Brittany spaniels tend to be softer and sweeter than usual. Neutering is something to consider, especially if you have more than one male dog in the house.


Female Brittany Spaniels can be competitive with other females, which often leads to female dog fights. But, generally speaking, female Brittany Spaniels are less likely to get into fights because of their intelligence.

Early socialization is the key to reducing the chances of your female becoming shy or aggressive. If you intend to keep two female dogs, it’s best to keep at least a two-year age gap to increase their chances of getting along.

Are Male Or Female Spaniels Better?

While male and female Brittanys have different characteristics, each has its strengths and weaknesses. A better question is; which is better for my family, a male or female Brittany Spaniel? Consider the advantages of either dog in your family.

Male Brittany Spaniels are more hyperactive and better at handling active children. They are more social with other pets and more affectionate.

They enjoy cuddles and playtime and have a more consistent temperament. If you want a dog to be your buddy and more dependent, then a male Brittany Spaniel is the pet for you.

Female Brittany Spaniels are more careful around children and more protective of them. They tend to be calmer and quieter and more independent.

They can be cuddly with you but also enjoy alone time. They are more intelligent and observant, making them easier to train.

Both dogs, while different in temperament, are equal in worth. It’s up to a potential owner to decide which sex is better for their household.

Final Thoughts

It’s common for dog owners to have a personal preference for the gender of their pet. The above characteristics are speculative and not well researched. Nevertheless, people who observe their pets know what they are talking about.

It’s up to you and your household to decide what kind of Brittany Spaniel you would prefer. For example, do you want a dog who is dependent on you and will be your best friend, or do you choose a calmer dog who is considerate of small children?

If it doesn’t matter so much and you are up for a challenge, the Brittany Spaniels is an excellent family pet regardless of gender.

Male Vs Female Brittany Spaniels
Male Vs Female Brittany Spaniels
Male Vs Female Brittany Spaniels.pdf
Male Vs Female Brittany Spaniels

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