
An updated version of this page is now on Wikipedia:


Mudrick, Victor. In the Wrong Hands. Xlibris. 2002. ISBN 978-1462818969.

A Pershing missile escaped destruction during the INF elimination and terrorists use it to threaten London.

Evans, Linda. Sleipnir. 1994. Baen. ISBN 0-671-87594-9.

The first few chapters are based on the real life experiences of a Pershing missile guard with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Infantry.

Hagberg, David. Countdown. 1990. Tor. ISBN 978-0812509649.

The codes for Pershing missiles based at Ramstein Air Base are stolen.

Montgomery, R. A. Trio: Almost Lost. 1990. Starfire. ISBN 978-055328462.

In post-apocalyptic America of 2015, a would be dictator uses seven National Guard Pershing 1 missiles painted red to attack Denver.

Carter, Nick.The Normandy Code: Nick Carter Killmaster #202. 1985. Diamond. ISBN 978-0441586127.

Nick Carter must retrieve a plaster Madonna containing the computer codes of all the Pershing missiles.

Niven, Larry; Pournelle, Jerry. Footfall. 1985. Del Rey. ISBN 978-0345323446.

During an alien invasion, Pershing missiles are retargeted to attack an orbiting ship.


Hughes, John (director, writer). Weird Science. 1985. Event occurs at 56:50.

A Pershing II missile is created from the January 31, 1983 cover of Time.

Levy, Shawn (director). Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. 2009. Event occurs at 1:02.

The scene at the National Air and Space Museum includes prop versions of the Pershing II and SS-20 missiles.


Roh, Mike (director). "Liftoff". Eureka. 2011. Event occurs at 12:28.

The interceptor missile launch is U.S. Army footage of a Pershing 1A missile launch.

Music videos

Cash, Johnny. Lester, Butch (writer). "Goin' By The Book". The Mystery of Life. Universal Music Group. 1991. Event occurs at 2:05.

The missile is a Pershing 1A being erected with a timestamp of November 13, 1979. The scene occurs after the line "There's armies in the cities and the missiles stand ready for flight."


Mack, Robert. Living Sound Effects, Volume 3. Bainbridge Entertainment. BCD2003.

  • 57 "U.S. Army Pershing Missile Launch" (0:17)