
During my career as a mathematical and scientific researcher, I've also written and implemented a series of software tools related to the topics I study. These software tools are designed for the purpose of both education and research, and can be used by students and experts alike. Everything I've developed is written in C++/OpenGL/Qt and is copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, and is free to download and use for non-commercial use.

In particular, I'd like to thank my colleague and friend Daniel B. Larremore for his initial help and guidance with OpenGL. If you have comments or suggestions about how my software can be improved, do not hesitate to contact me.


Synched is a software tool designed to visualize synchronization phenomena in complex systems and networks. It includes the capability for displaying the real-time dynamics of several different models, including the Kuramoto model and several of its variations.

Download Synched here.

Other Software

Some of my good friends and collaborators have also come up with software of their own. Check these out:


CardioVis is a software tool designed to visualize alternans dynamics in real-time. It includes the capability for displaying the dynamics of voltage- and calcium-driven alternans.

Download CardioVis here.