About me

PER BALTZER OVERGAARD PhD, Professor, Associate Dean for International Accreditations

Department of Economics and Business Economics

School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS)

Aarhus University, Fuglesangs Allé 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark

Office: 232      Building: 2632 (L)      Phone: +45 2326 6175 (cell)

E-mail: povergaard@au.dk    (alternatives: povergaard@econ.au.dk and pbo@econ.au.dk)

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I am a Professor (since 2003) at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus BSS, and Associate Dean for International Accreditations (since 2022) at Aarhus BSS. From 2011 to 2021 I was Vice-Dean for Research and Talent at Aarhus BSS, and from 2006 to 2011 I was  Head of the School of Economics and Management.

I received my PhD from CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1991, and hold an MA (Econ) from Warwick University, UK, 1986. I have studied at Aarhus University (1981-85), Warwick University (1985-86), CORE (1987-89), and UCLA (1989-90).

My primary research and teaching interests are in Economics of Information, Contract Theory, Auction Theory, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Business Strategy, Antitrust and Business Regulation. Recent work includes analyses of pre-auction offers and buy-out offers in auctions, equilibria in multi-sender signalling games and the role of market transparency in repeated oligopoly.

I have been a member of the Danish Social Science Research Council (DFF-FSE) (2006 - 2010), and I am presently a member of the Danish Rail Regulatory Authority (Jernbanenævnet) (since 2010), the Danish Sideline Employment Board (Bibeskæftigelsesnævnet) (since 2020) and the CEPOS Centre Council (since 2007).

Recent and almost recent