
Documentation, tutorials and how-to.



  • Introduction to GNU/Linux: concepts, filesystem and text manipulation tools. (temporarily removed, while I relocate the exercises)

Tutorials and How-to

  • Ogre3D and Netbeans on Windows: how to setup a development environment using Ogre3D and Netbeans on Windows XP. (February 2009, it refers to Netbeans 6.5 and Ogre3D 1.6)
  • Introduction to cryptography (blog posts: part 1, part 2): a basic introduction to cryptography: substitution ciphers and Vigenère system. (October 2007, text should be revised)

University's stuff

Some documentation and materials developed during my Master's degree in Computer Science. Previously published at the CS department.

Everything is in Italian unless otherwise specified.

  • Lecture notes of the "Information theory course" by prof. Luciano Margara in 2006 (last update June 2007,)
  • MINDS: simulation and analysis of Data Distribution Management techniques in the field of Massive Multiplayer Online Games (Feb 2005)
  • OceanStore slides, about the distributed file system, for the Complex Adaptive Systems course. (spring 2003)
  • 3D modeling with XCModel, for the Graphics course (2003)
  • Documentation for a Pascal to Java Virtual Machine compiler developed for the Languages and Compilers course. Language grammar was omitted on purpose.
